Breathing Emergencies

Are potato chips triggers for sulfite allergy?

Many individuals believe that they have sulfite allergy but it is actually sensitivity to the preservatives utilized in beer, wine, medications and other food products. An actual allergic reaction occurs upon exposure to the allergenic proteins. The sulfites present in processed foods help maintain color, extend the shelf life and inhibit growth of microorganisms. If […]

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Reactions to shellfish: Why do I have skin rashes?

Skin rashes that develop after eating or directly handling shellfish indicates a serious food allergy. If the individual does not suspect any known triggers for contact dermatitis, he/she must consider testing for shellfish allergy. Types of shellfish such as sea urchins, oysters and shrimp might trigger an allergic reaction in some individuals. Among shellfish, lobster, shrimp

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Indications of active tuberculosis

Tuberculosis is still considered one of the major health threats globally. Tuberculosis can be latent or active. When it comes to latent tuberculosis, the bacteria are inactive and could not cause any symptoms. As for active tuberculosis, the causative bacteria Mycobacterium tuberculosis are multiplying actively, thus causing a symptomatic and communicable condition. Fever, chills and

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