Buzzing ears

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Ringing or buzzing ears can be annoying due to the absence of audible noise. This is a symptom brought about by tinnitus which is a medical condition in which a sound resembling ringing, clicking, buzzing, hissing or wheezing is heard.

The buzzing can be heard in one or both ears and can be intermittent or constant. It is a common condition that vary in severity from a minor annoyance to an indication of a medical emergency that requires immediate assessment.

Buzzing ears has no direct cause but can be symptomatic of ear infections, allergies, earwax buildup, foreign objects in the ears, anemia, high blood pressure or Meniere’s disease.

What are the other symptoms present with buzzing ears?

Buzzing ears
The symptoms linked to buzzing ears might be linked to a medical condition called tinnitus.

The symptoms linked to buzzing ears might be linked to a medical condition called tinnitus. The volume might be low or high and can occur in one or both ears. The individual might be barely aware of the buzzing or it can disrupt daily activities. It is important to note that tinnitus results from the misinterpretation of the nerve signals as sound.

  • Dizziness or vertigo
  • Drainage or discharge from the ear
  • Fever
  • Headache
  • Ear pain or sensation of fullness
  • Malaise or lethargy
  • Warmth, redness or swelling

What are the causes?

Buzzing ears might be idiopathic which means that it has no cause. Alternatively, it can result from various causes including medications, ear infections, high blood pressure, foreign objects in the ear, allergies, anemia or Meniere’s disease.

Buzzing ears might also result from other causes such as the following:

  • Ear infections
  • Blood vessel disorders
  • Acoustic neuroma
  • Buildup of ear wax
  • Hearing aids
  • Obstruction of the Eustachian tube
  • Being exposed to loud noises
  • Meniere’s disease
  • Otosclerosis
  • Trauma
  • Temporomandibular joint pain
  • Stress
  • Thyroid disease
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