Bruised liver

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A bruised liver or contusion develops after sustaining direct impact to the torso which results to bleeding inside the organ. Vehicular accidents are the usual cause of this injury.

The liver is a bulky, meaty organ that is positioned on the right abdomen. Generally, the liver could not be felt since it is shielded by the rib cage. The organ has 2 large regions called the left and right lobes. Aside from the gallbladder, the liver is flanked by parts of the intestines and pancreas. The liver along with these organs work to digest, take in and process food. If an individual is suspected with a bruised liver, it can affect the functions of the organ.

Do I have a bruised liver?

Bruised liver
Pain and tenderness in the upper right section of the abdomen.
  • Abrupt pain or discomfort upon impact
  • Pain and tenderness in the upper right section of the abdomen
  • Nausea
  • Referred pain into the right shoulder
  • In severe injuries involving significant blood loss, the individual might go into a state of shock and even lose consciousness.
  • For severe injuries, there is a possibility of laceration in the liver.


If an individual is suspected with a bruised liver, it is vital to seek immediate medical attention to further assess the injury.

  • The doctor will carefully assess the individual and might request a CT scan or ultrasound to examine the extent of damage.
  • In case the injury is simply a contusion without any tearing, close monitoring is vital for several days.
  • Blood testing is repeated daily to check for blood loss.
  • A CT scan or ultrasound might also be repeated after a few days to assess if the liver is healing and if bleeding has already stopped.

A bruised liver is considered as a mild injury that is expected to heal within a week or more.

More Information / Disclaimer

The information posted on this page on a bruised liver is for learning purposes only. Learn to recognize and manage internal injuries by taking a standard first aid course with one of our training providers.

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