Various types of breathing problems

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There are different types of breathing problems that you should be familiar with. Being out of breath or unable to breathe can be stressful. There are cases in which the symptom is only momentary such as when down with the flu or common cold.

There are other cases in which it indicates a chronic or serious condition. If the breathing difficulty occurred without any explanation or does not resolve after recovering from the condition, a doctor should be consulted. This might be an indication of one of the various breathing problems.

Breathing problems due to asthma

If the airways are constricted or blocked, the individual might have asthma. Due to reasons still vague, if an individual has asthma, it simply means that the airways are highly sensitive to certain triggers such as dust, pollen, chemicals, animal hair, certain odors and foods.

Stress, weather changes, certain seasons and medications are also potential triggers that can instigate asthma. Once the airways detect these triggers, they start to swell and constrict.  The individual can experience wheezing, difficulty breathing, fatigue and chest tightness. In addition, the symptoms can worsen at night or while exercise.


Breathing problems
If the breathing difficulty occurred without any explanation or does not resolve after recovering from the condition, a doctor should be consulted.

The lungs contain bronchial tubes that transport air in and out of the lungs. Bronchitis can develop as a complication of flu or common cold that can be managed. In some cases, the bronchial tubes can end up inflamed and progress into a chronic case.

When it comes to chronic cases of bronchitis, it can occur due to smoking, being exposed to secondhand smoke or breathing in pollution or chemicals. The condition is characterized by difficulty breathing along with coughing episodes accompanied by mucus, chills, fatigue and chest discomfort.

Sleep apnea

There are 3 major forms of sleep apnea which is a condition that disrupts with ability to get good sleep at night that can lead to various health issues. Obstructive sleep apnea can occur once the soft tissues inside the throat blocks the airways.

As for central sleep apnea, the brain does not signal the need to take a breath. As for mixed sleep apnea, both these situations occur. After breathing stops, the brain receives signals so that he/she wakes up and starts to breathe again. In addition, being overweight also puts the individual at risk for developing the condition.


Emphysema is included as one of the common breathing problems under the category of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). When it comes to emphysema, the lining of the air sacs is damaged. This allows the air to end up trapped in the lungs.

The condition can be triggered by smoking or being exposed to pollutants or chemicals. It is vital to be aware of the symptoms since the condition can be wrongly identified as common cold. In most cases, treatment is delayed which allows the condition to progress. Watch out for chronic cough, shortness of breath, wheezing and inability to take a deep breath.

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