Assessing the indications of internal hemorrhage

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Even though it is simple to diagnose and treat cases of external bleeding, it is a different issue if the bleeding occurs internally in the body. Take note that medical attention is typically needed in such cases, an average individual can still assess the immediate indications of internal hemorrhage in an individual. This can help prevent problems while on the way to a healthcare facility or while waiting for the medical team to arrive on the scene.

Pain in the abdomen

Always remember that an individual who is suffering from internal hemorrhage due to an injured organ will usually experience pain in the abdomen. This pain can sometimes move to the side or back part of the body. Another indication to watch out for is referred pain which indicates that internal hemorrhage in the abdomen can result to severe pain in the jaw or shoulder.

Once you palpate the abdomen of an individual suspected of internal hemorrhage, the individual will claim an increase in the pain level. Oftentimes, the pain is only located in one part of the abdomen but it can also cover the entire area. The stomach will feel stiff or hard and the individual can recoil due to the pain.

Vaginal bleeding

Another common indication among women who are suspected with internal hemorrhage is vaginal bleeding. In younger women, this is often due to ectopic pregnancy or other pregnancy-related complications.

Pulsating mass in the abdomen

Internal hemorrhage
The ribs can also end up broken and can puncture the organs especially the lungs, resulting to internal bleeding into the chest area.

The development of a pulsating mass in the abdomen is another symptom of internal hemorrhage. This can be felt if the individual is suffering from abdominal aortic aneurysm. Always remember that this is a critical condition that would require immediate emergency care so that appropriate care and advanced treatment can be provided.

Broken bones

Not all cases of internal hemorrhage occur in the abdominal area. Once large bones in the bone are broken due to injury particularly the upper leg or arm, the individual can suffer from internal bleeding in the area. The ribs can also end up broken and can puncture the organs especially the lungs, resulting to internal bleeding into the chest area.

Assessing the vital signs for internal hemorrhage

By using a blood pressure cuff and a stethoscope, you can assess the vital signs to determine if internal hemorrhage is present. An individual with the condition will often have a diminished blood pressure reading while the pulse rate is higher than normal. Even if equipment is not present, you can still check the pulse rate at the wrist or the neck of the individual who is suspected of having internal hemorrhage.

Important consideration to bear in mind

Always remember that if you suspect that an individual is suffering from internal hemorrhage, it must be treated by a healthcare professional. Once there are indications of internal bleeding, you have to call for emergency assistance right away.

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