A first aid kit for food allergies

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Individuals who are susceptible to food allergies must be prepared all the time. It is important to assemble a first aid kit that is comprised of all the necessary tools to save your life or family members who are prone to allergies.

There is always the risk that you or a family member will get exposed to a food allergen. Even though you meticulously label the foods, restrict certain foods or carefully sanitize all items used, there are cases when allergies can occur. This is the reason why it is important to be prepared in treating an allergic reaction if one takes place. There should be several first aid kits available – one at home, at work and in your vehicle.

First aid kit essentials

It is best to include these essentials in a first aid kit especially if one member of the family is prone to food allergies.

• Epinephrine – this should always be present in your first aid kit. For severe allergies, a shot of epinephrine is given as soon as an allergic reaction starts can mean the difference between life and death. Always have at least a single epinephrine auto-injector such as EpiPen in your kit. Take note of the expiration dates and replace them before the expiration date. Just remember not to leave epinephrine in your vehicle or any location that can get too hot or cold since fluctuations in the temperature will make it less effective.

Anti-allergy Medication
An EpiPen will come in handy for individuals who have allergic reactions.

• Liquid antihistamines – these medications basically aim for the histamines or chemicals present in the body that is responsible for causing the allergies. The antihistamines work by slowing down or stopping the allergic reaction if taken right away. If an epinephrine auto-injector is not available, taking a dose of liquid antihistamine can save a life. Antihistamines in the form of pills can work, but it works faster in liquid form.

• Inhaler – always have an inhaler ready in your first aid kit if you or family members tend to suffer from the asthma-like symptoms or severe breathing problems in case of an allergic reaction. Do not forget to check the expiration date and buy a new one before the expiration date is reached. It is best to use an inhaler if prescribed by your doctor and do not use the inhaler of another person.

• Medical information – all you have to do is to create a medical information sheet for each member of the family that is susceptible to food allergies in all the first aid kits. Make sure to include foods allergic to, medications taken, allergy response plan, list of emergency contacts and phone numbers, contact details of your doctor and health insurance information. Always update your information in case there are any changes. Take note that outdated information will only delay the delivery of treatment in case of an unexpected allergic episode.

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