December 2016

Nut allergy

If an individual has nut allergy, an initial contact with nuts triggers the immune system to react. Nevertheless, there are no symptoms of a reaction at this point. It is on the second exposure that a full-blown allergic reaction occurs. Many children who have nut allergy experience the symptoms once they are exposed to nuts […]

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Chest infections

Chest infections are triggered by virus or bacteria. It is important to note that general anesthesia affects the mechanism on how phlegm is normally moved out of the lungs. The pain or discomfort from the operation might cause difficulty in taking deep breaths or coughing. As an outcome, phlegm is likely to accumulate in the

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Scarlet fever

Scarlet fever

Scarlet fever is due to a throat infection by streptococcus. It is important to note that there are various strains of streptococcus that can cause different infections. The strain known as group A streptococcus is responsible for causing most cases of scarlet fever. The toxins enter the bloodstream from the infected throat. The condition

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Persistent rhinitis: What are the commonly used treatments?

Persistent rhinitis is typically triggered by allergic rhinitis. The non-allergic type might be harder to manage and depends on the cause. In most cases, steroid nasal sprays might be useful. Commonly used treatment choices for persistent rhinitis If persistent rhinitis is due to an allergy, there are several treatment choices that can be considered. Avoidance

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A chalazion is a miniature cyst that is filled with fluid in the eyelid. It is a common condition and usually forms on the superior eyelid. In some circumstances, a few cysts can develop at once in more than one eyelid. Possible causes of a chalazion It is important to note that there are

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Gastroenteritis in adults

Gastroenteritis involves infection of the intestines. The severity can range from minor stomach upset for 1-2 days with mild to severe diarrhea and vomiting for several days. Gastroenteritis can be triggered by bacteria, viruses and other microbes. Indications Diarrhea is the main symptom of gastroenteritis along with vomiting. Diarrhea is described as having loose or

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Chilblains are small-sized, painful, itchy red swelling on the skin which are caused by an erratic skin reaction to cold. They usually occur on the extremities that are susceptible to cold such as the nose, fingers, toes and earlobes. Nevertheless, other parts of the skin can develop the condition if they become cold such as

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Achilles tendinopathy

Achilles tendinopathy triggers pain, stiffness and swelling in the Achilles tendon which links the heel bone to the calf. It is believed to be caused by repeated microtrauma to the tendon. After every injury, the tendon could not fully heal as usual. It simply means that over time, damage to the tendon accumulates which leads

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