October 2016


Cirrhosis is a serious condition that involves scarring that damages the liver. If an individual has cirrhosis, the healthy tissue is replaced by scar tissue. The liver ceases to produce enough clotting factors that results to bleeding and bruising. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ioxyO2WPhLQ This results to the buildup of bile and poisons in the blood. The scarring can

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Malaria is a serious health disorder that causes high fever and chills. The condition is acquired from the bite of a mosquito infected by parasites. In rare instances, an individual can get the condition if in contact with infected blood. There are 5 types of these parasites that are able to infect humans such as:

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Type 1 diabetes

Diabetes is a chronic condition that involves high levels of blood sugar in the body. The hormone insulin is produced by the pancreas which is responsible for controlling the amount of glucose in the blood. Indications of diabetes The usual indications of type 1 diabetes include the following: Excessive thirst Feeling very tired or fatigue

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