March 2016

Chest pain: Why it occurs while running during cold weather?

The presence of chest pain while running during cold weather might be due to various health issues. For some individuals, running is a highly enjoyed activity which concurrently revitalizes and eases the body, energizing the heart rate and warming up the muscles. On the other hand, this activity can cause discomfort in some individuals such

Chest pain: Why it occurs while running during cold weather? Read More »

What are the indications of bone spurs in the shoulder?

Bone spurs in the shoulder are typically triggered by osteoarthritis. These spurs develop as a response to wear and tear breakdown of the cartilage in the shoulder joint from natural aging, overuse or injuries. The bone spurs that develop in the shoulder joint might not necessarily trigger any symptoms but those who have large-sized bone

What are the indications of bone spurs in the shoulder? Read More »

What are the indications of carotid stenosis?

Carotid stenosis occurs once the arteries become constricted or narrowed. The carotid arteries are positioned in the neck and responsible for supplying the brain with oxygen and blood. In most circumstances, this is caused by the development of atherosclerosis which is the buildup of plaque on the arterial walls. It is important to note that

What are the indications of carotid stenosis? Read More »

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