January 2015

What are the lung conditions that trigger chest pain?

Lung conditions can instigate symptoms such as wheezing, coughing, chest pain, shortness of breath and chest tightness. Some of these signs and symptoms due to lung conditions such as chest pain and pressure can be mistaken for symptoms of a heart attack, gastrointestinal issues or blood vessel disorder. The chest pain due to lung conditions […]

What are the lung conditions that trigger chest pain? Read More »

What are the foods to avoid if an individual has cocoa allergy?

Once an individual develops an allergy, the immune system will wrongly identify a harmless substance as a threat to the body and instigates an attack. Various substances can act as allergens that trigger an allergic response, including household materials, pollen and certain foods. Take note that it is uncommon to develop cocoa allergy which is

What are the foods to avoid if an individual has cocoa allergy? Read More »

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