February 2014

Latex allergy

Latex allergy is basically a reaction to proteins that are present in natural rubber latex which is a product manufactured from fluid produced by the rubber tree. In case an individual is allergic to latex, the body mistakes latex as a dangerous substance. This allergy can also be due to allergic reactions that range from […]

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Egg allergies

Eggs have been considered as the one of the common foods that can trigger allergies in children. The symptoms of egg allergy typically manifests in a few minutes up to a few hours after eating eggs or foods that contain eggs. The symptoms and signs tends to vary from mild to severe and can include

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Dust mite allergy

Dust mite allergy is considered as an allergic reaction to microscopic-sized bugs that commonly reside in house dust. Indications of dust mite allergy include runny nose and sneezing. Majority of individuals who are allergic to dust mites experience signs of asthma such as difficulty breathing and wheezing. Dust mites are closely related to spiders and

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Alcohol poisoning

Alcohol poisoning is considered serious and often life-threatening. It is due to the consumption of excessive amounts of alcohol in just a short period. Understandably, drinking excessively can affect the heart rate, breathing, gag reflex and body temperature and it can potentially lead to coma and even death. This poisoning can also occur if adults

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Age spots

Age spots are basically flat brown, gray or black spots that vary in size and typically manifest on the hands, face, arms and shoulders. The areas affected are mostly exposed to the sun. Even though age spots are very common among adults older than 40 years old, it can also affect younger individuals as well.

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ACL Injury

ACL injury typically involves the tearing of the ACL (anterior cruciate ligament) that is located within the knee joint. This injury is common during sports such as soccer, basketball, volleyball and tennis.  Take note that these sports usually involve abrupt stops as well as changes in the direction. Right after this injury is sustained; the

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