What are the symptoms of scabies rash?

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Scabies is basically a skin infestation triggered by microscopic mites in the skin. The small-sized mites burrow beneath the skin, triggering a very severe itchy reaction that causes a lot of discomfort. This prevalent infestation occurs in millions of individuals all over the world yearly.

Scabies is considered contagious and can be easily transmitted by direct contact with one person to another through contact with infested clothing or bedding. The treatment for scabies typically involves the use of prescription medications applied on the skin before the individual goes to bed. By recognizing the symptoms early, it is vital for proper treatment as well as reducing the risk of transmitting the mites. You can learn more about handling this skin condition by enrolling in a first aid course.


The itchiness that is linked with scabies infestation can be intense at times and the usual symptom linked with the condition. At night time while in bed, the itchiness will urge the individual to scratch vigorously.

The itchiness that is linked with scabies infestation can be intense at times and the usual symptom linked with the condition.

Taking a hot bath can also intensify the itchiness caused by scabies. Take note that the itchiness linked with the infestation is from an allergic response to the mite while it lays eggs beneath the skin. As long as proper hygiene is observed, it can take up to a month before the itchiness starts.


Small-sized, red-colored bumps can develop on the skin. Take note that these bumps are similar to hives and can contain fluid. The fluid will drain if the bumps are scratched open. After some time if treatment was not started, the skin will appear scaly, thick and have crusted areas due to the healing bumps.

Red lines on the skin

Once the mite burrows deep into the skin to lay eggs, a red line can form on the skin. This line often appears around the wrist or in between the fingers and can appear red, dark, short and wavy.


It is important to note that scabies tends to thrive well in warm areas of the body such as the folds of skin or on the waistbands. This will make certain locations in the body such as the navel, genitals and breasts as usual locations for the itchiness and rashes. Other locations where scabies can develop include the elbow, wrist as well as soles of the feet, palms of the hands and in between the fingers.

Bacterial infection

After intense itchiness, the skin can end up with areas that have open sores or wounds. Take note that these sores will put the individual at risk for bacterial infection in the skin. Once bacterial infection occurs, both the infection and the scabies infestation would surely require medical care. The potential symptoms of bacterial skin infection include drainage of pus from the wound, swelling and redness.

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