Potential complications of burn blisters

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Burn blisters might be caused by exposure to heat, electricity, chemicals or radiation. The degrees of burn damage include the first-degree, second-degree and the third-degree. It is important to note that the type and severity of complications due to burn blisters usually vary depending on the region involved and the extent of damage on a particular body part. Remember that there are some possible complications of burn blisters that you should be familiar with.


The peeling of the exterior skin usually occurs in first-degree burns and while second-degree burns start to heal. Even though the peeling might be seen as undesirable, the sloughing off of the dead skin is actually an indication of healing since it allows new skin to replace the damaged skin.


Always bear in mind that infection is likely to occur once the epidermis is involved and the raw, underlying skin is exposed. Sterile dressings and antibiotic medications are usually prescribed in such cases. The indications of infection include redness, pain, swelling and drainage around the blister. In case red streaks radiate from the burn blister toward the heart, it indicates blood poisoning.

Burn blisters
Pain is a complication of burn blisters, especially from second-degree burns.


Pain is a complication of burn blisters, especially from second-degree burns. An aloe vera lotion and sterile compress can be used to soothe the affected area, but the skin has to regenerate and heal on its own. Many treatment measures can deal with the symptoms, but it is vital that the individual is comfortable and free from stress as possible.


Take note that shock can also be a complication of severe cases of burn blisters that covers a wide area in the body. An individual whose skin turns cold and clammy along with shallow breathing requires immediate medical care.

Skin cancer

Skin cancer can develop in areas where sunburn occurred, usually in cases where the damage is extensive and involves the DNA. Skin cancer might start out as a small-sized growth or a sore that bleeds, heals and then blisters and opens again. Severe burn blisters that occur during childhood might develop over time into dark-colored, flattened spots called lentigo maligna.

When an individual sustained burns that eventually lead to burn blisters, it is vital to seek immediate medical care from a doctor or bring the individual to the nearest emergency department so that proper assessment and care can be given. Remember that there are potential complications that can occur and timely treatment can help prevent any complications from developing.

Due to the potential risk for complications, burn blisters that are suspected as severe must be carefully assessed by a doctor. This will ensure that the right treatment can be given to prevent any issues from developing.

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