Manage staph infections with over-the-counter treatment measures

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Throughout the years, staph infections are known to trigger various conditions that can range from mild to severe. It is important to note that staphylococcus aureus is a specific strain that is responsible for causing most cases of staph infections such as pneumonia, skin infections, food poisoning, blood poisoning and toxic shock syndrome. Remember that staph is bacteria that thrive harmlessly on the skin, but once there is a break such as a wound or puncture, it can enter and trigger an infection. Luckily, staph infections on the skin are quite common and can be managed with over-the-counter treatment measures.


When it comes to localized staph infections on the skin, it is initially managed by cleansing the affected area using antibacterial soap and then immersed in warm water. There are also antibacterial soaps that are readily available over-the-counter that can prevent the spread of the infection.

Pain relief

You can soak the affected area or apply a clean, warm cloth over the affected area to reduce the pain linked with staph infection. A warm water bottle or heating pad can be applied for up to 20 minutes at 2-3 times throughout the day for relief from pain. Over-the-counter NSAIDs can be given to control the pain linked with staph infections.

Staph infection
You can soak the affected area or apply a clean, warm cloth over the affected area to reduce the pain linked with staph infection.

In case in doubt on the pain medications to use, it is best to consult a doctor so that the right medication can be given to manage the pain.

Antibiotic ointments

Antibiotic ointments are suitable for staph infections. After the affected area is cleansed properly and then soaked in warm water, carefully dry and apply an antibiotic ointment. Cover the affected area using a clean dressing in order to prevent the infection from spreading. Remember that towels should only be used once before washing.

What are the possible complications?

In case staph infections do not clear up, the bacteria is likely to trigger serious complications such as toxic shock syndrome, blood poisoning and pneumonia. Other complications that can develop include impetigo or cellulitis. Due to the risk for potential complications, it is vital that a possible staph infection is properly managed. Once a complication is allowed to progress, it might be difficult to manage.

If the staph infection does not seem to subside after treatment using over-the-counter measures, high fever develops or the infected area is warm and swollen, it is best to seek immediate medical care.


It is vital to keep the body and clothes clean at all times as well as the towels and bed linens used. Most cases of staph infections develop due to exposure to contaminated objects as well as skin-to-skin contact. The infection also spreads among individuals who live within close contact with one another.

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