Is an MRSA infection dangerous?

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MRSA or methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus is a type of bacteria that is capable of triggering serious infections. The staph bacteria have been the usual source of infections but the main issue when it comes to MRSA is that it is included in the group of multi-drug resistant organisms. This simply means that the most common types of antibiotics are ineffective in treating the infection.

It is vital to set an appointment with a doctor if the individual suspects an infection and uncertain of its origin, particularly if he/she has been hospitalized recently. MRSA is known to cause serious complications including pneumonia, skin or joint infections, inflammation of the heat, organ damage and even death. Due to the risk for complications, an individual suspected with MRSA infection must consult a doctor for prompt treatment of the infection.

Infections on the skin, joint and bone

A rash, abscess or drainage from a wound or cut in the skin might be the initial indication of a staph infection. The testing is vital in determining if the infection is MRSA. The usual skin infection that individuals with MRSA end up with is cellulitis which is a painful inflammatory skin condition characterized by reddish rash that becomes swollen, warm and tender.

MRSA infection
A rash, abscess or drainage from a wound or cut in the skin might be the initial indication of a staph infection.

If not treated, MRSA infections can spread and even trigger the development of osteomyelitis. This condition causes pain that can result to the death of bone tissue. Once the bacteria enter the joint, it can cause arthritis. Among diabetics who have issues with wound healing, they are at risk to MRSA infections especially those who are under dialysis. This infection can potentially result to an amputation.

Pneumonia or endocarditis

Always bear in mind that MRSA infections can enter the bloodstream. Once the bacteria enter the bloodstream, it can affect various organs including the heart and the lungs. If the lungs are breached, it can lead to the development of pneumonia. In addition, it can also cause a certain type of inflammatory heart condition known as endocarditis which involves the inflammation of the lining of the heart and its valves.

Toxic shock or septic shock

The bacterial infection that invades the bloodstream can likely cause septic shock. The abrupt onset of fever along with consistent low blood pressure simply indicates septic shock or toxic shock. Take note that this is a form of septic shock that can develop due to MRSA. Remember that both septic shock and toxic shock are critical conditions that require immediate treatment. If the treatment is delayed, it can lead to organ damage including kidney failure that can lead to death.

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