Why organizations needs an AED program management service

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It is recorded that out-of-hospital cardiac arrests have affected thousands of people all over the world with the estimated survival rate of less than 5%. At the present, an increasing number of businesses and organizations are already incorporating automated external defibrillator (AED) programs since AED is the solution for treating sudden cardiac arrest in the non-medical settings. However, having an AED in a facility or business complex is more than just saving a life.

Due to the complexity of the laws, it affects the structure, implementation and operation of AED programs. A small-scale business or a massive corporation should find ways to successfully navigate the health and safety regulations when it comes to the incorporation of AEDs into the facility. It is not only to guarantee that the AED program is compliant, but also fully prepared to help rescuers during life-saving efforts. There are several reasons when businesses and organizations need an effective AED program management service.

Always position the AED program for success

An AED program management service must deliver AED/CPR education to the staff, monitors the efficiency of equipment and improving the effectiveness of the responders as well as ensuring that the AEDs are readily on hand in case of an emergency that occurs unexpectedly in the workplace.

An AED program in businesses and organizations is a must.

Ensure complete compliance

State and federal regulations require rigid monitoring, medical oversight and direction, AED maintenance and heart safe training. The AED program management service must handle all of these on the behalf of the business or organization, ensuring the ongoing compliance of your AED program.

Diminish the liability

The Good Samaritan laws protect businesses and organizations that opt to utilize AEDs. Always bear in mind that these laws removes any fears regarding legal consequences of utilizing AEDs during any rescue attempt. For businesses and organizations who want to receive protection under the Good Samaritan laws, they must observe compliance with the local, state and federal laws. An AED program management service will keep the AED program compliant while at the same time offering liability indemnification for businesses and organizations.

Cut down administrative time

Running and maintaining an AED program is considered complex and a time-consuming process. With an AED program management service, it is an effective tool that helps saves administrative time by monitoring the essential components of the AED program particularly the training schedules, staff records, expiration of batteries, electrode pad expiration and routine maintenance inspection.

Everything for health and safety needs are provided

With an AED program management service, it makes the ownership of AEDs a lot easier by providing support for every aspect of the AED program including the installation, maintenance and the administration. An overseeing body over the AED program will ensure effectiveness and consistent outcomes.

Today, is not only the businesses and organizations that implement an AED program but also public venues such schools, gyms, amphitheaters and many more.

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