What will I do for radiating knee pain?

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It is important to note that the knee joint is considered as the biggest synovial joint in the body. It simply means that the knee is composed of several mobile parts that can become damaged due to deterioration over time or injury. Once an individual suffer from radiating knee pain, the pain is not only centered in the knee, but also spreads to the surrounding areas. If you know how to recognize this type of pain and the steps to take to minimize it, you can greatly help in providing relief to the individual. It is best to take part in first aid training today so that you are ready with the steps to take.

Even though the knee is considered as a supportive joint, it is not made to accommodate the demands placed on it. Always bear in mind that the knee is not designed for certain sports such as soccer or football. The joint has no way to anticipate everything that might occur. Constant abuse on the knee can eventually result to pain and possibly a radiating type of pain.

Sources of radiating knee pain

Radiating knee pain
Once an individual suffer from radiating knee pain, the pain is not only centered in the knee, but also spreads to the surrounding areas.

There are several structures connected to the knee that might be responsible for causing the radiating knee pain. These include the tendons, ligaments, meniscus and bones. Aside from these structures, other parts of the body can also cause knee pain such as the lower back which shares a common nerve with the knee. Due to this, physical examination is vital when an individual complains about radiating knee pain.

How radiating knee pain is diagnosed

Aside from physical examination, the doctor will utilize various testing methods to determine the source of the radiating knee pain. These tests include an X-ray, ultrasound, CT scan and MRI. In some cases, a blood test is also performed in order to determine if there is infection present within or around the knee joint.

Preventive measures

Even though the radiating knee pain will cause difficulty with movement, if the pain is not caused by injury, it is best to increase the level of activity. The individual should readily engage in injury preventive techniques such as proper warming up and cooling down in order to stretch the muscles surrounding the affected knee. Those who love to run or engage in high-impact activity should regularly replace the athletic shoes used to help relieve the pain.

Treatment for radiating knee pain

If the individual suffers from radiating knee pain after an injury or a soft popping sound is heard while exercising, it can indicate a torn cartilage or ligament or a combination of both. The pain can be reduced by applying an ice pack and elevating the affected leg. When it comes to radiating knee pain that has steadily progressed, over-the-counter pain medications can provide relief. Always remember the RICE method (rest, ice, compression, elevation) should be used once this type of pain is experienced by the individual.

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