What is tibia stress fracture?

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The tibia is considered as the biggest bone in the lower leg and mainly used for bearing weight. The manifestation of stress fractures or miniature cracks in this bone are typically caused by a form of repetitive force such as running or jumping. Always remember that stress fractures can also occur due to overuse or the continued use of the tibia bone that is already weakened by a health condition such as osteoporosis or arthritis.

What are the signs and symptoms of tibia stress fracture?

If you suspect that an individual developed tibia stress fracture, the following signs and symptoms are likely to manifest.

Pain that gradually increases

Primarily, it is important to note that a tibia stress fracture is more of an irritation than a specific pain. The pain can gradually build up if the individual engages in rigorous physical activities such as running. The affected leg will continue to throb even after working out or even during daily movements. Unlike with other leg injuries, weakness or numbness is rarely observed while the leg is at rest.

Pain that occurs during physical activities

Tibia stress fracture
The pain can gradually build up if the individual engages in rigorous physical activities such as running.

In most cases, the pain will start to manifest while engaging in physical activity that involves the tibial area which includes working out using weights, walking or yoga. The pain has the tendency to increase during physical activity and then diminish as soon as the area is being rested. Additionally, the pain can also persist even while the body is at rest without prior physical activity. Always remember that the pain can increase over time that performing simply activities can be a burden to the individual.

When it comes to pain, there are measures to help manage the pain. All you have to do is to enroll in a first aid course so that you can effectively apply these first aid measures when needed.

Tenderness and swelling

There is a specific area on the tibia that will feel tender, painful to the touch, warm, turns red or there is evident discoloration. The affected area can also appear bruised. There are also times when there is a specific area of tenderness within the lower calf that is noticeable when deep pressure is applied.

The tibia can also hurt and there might be a hard nodule that manifests on the bone surface. There is likelihood for soft tissue damage which can be accompanied by muscle weakness, tenderness, soreness and heat.

Fractures that include the knee joint can also extend up to the tibia. The symptoms linked to arthritis which includes loss of motion and instability can also indicate tibia stress fracture.

Limited range of motion

Take note that a tibia stress fracture can also cause inability to carry out certain physical movements while the pain can occur while performing these activities. The flexibility of the tibial area and some areas connected to it can be diminished. With this in mind, the lower limb alignment which also includes the foot structure, leg length and motor function can manifest imbalances in terms of strength.

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