What is apple allergy?

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Apples are main components in an allergic reaction which is called oral allergy syndrome. Apple allergies are usually linked with birch pollen which is responsible for most cases of apple allergies. Since apple allergies are triggered by pollen, most cases occur after eating a freshly picked apple or other members of the Rosaceae family that includes hazelnut and peach. Always bear in mind that those who are prone to an apple allergy are only affected by raw fruit, not the apples that have been pasteurized or cooked. This is due to the fact that the proteins responsible for triggering an allergy could not withstand these preparation processes.

Signs and symptoms of an apple allergy

It is important to be familiar with the signs and symptoms of an apple allergy so that you can provide the appropriate first aid care.

Watery eyes, sneezing and runny nose

The oral allergy syndrome that is triggered by an apple allergy often results to watery eyes. It is also important to note that symptoms such as a runny nose and sneezing can also manifest. By simply peeling the skin of the fruit or allowing it to come in contact with the skin on the face or hands, it can trigger an allergic reaction.

Swelling and itchiness

Apple allergy
In some cases, individuals can also experience abdominal pain and diarrhea.

The itchiness can indicate that an apple has been ingested. The itchiness is also accompanied by a tingling sensation as well as swelling of the lips, gums and the tongue. Severe swelling can also occur within and around the throat, resulting to asphyxiation. A severe allergic reaction which is called anaphylaxis can result to low blood pressure, difficulty breathing and nausea. This would require emergency care even during the initial signs of an anaphylaxis.


An apple allergy can manifest as hives that develop around the mouth. It is important to note that hives can also manifest together with seasonal allergies and eating fresh fruits that belong to the Rosaceae family. Always bear in mind that the close connection in the symptoms that occur with apple allergies and seasonal allergies simply indicates that there is a direct link between the proteins that are present in apples and those found in birch pollen.

Aversion to apples

Among young children, disliking apples or other members of the Rosaceae family can be viewed as a sign of a picky eater. Actually, the child might be simply responding to a reaction after eating an apple. If a child experiences itchiness without any sings of hives or swelling, it can be difficult for him/her to share what he/she is feeling. As a result, the child will simply avoid eating apples.

Abdominal pain and diarrhea

In some cases, individuals can also experience abdominal pain and diarrhea. There are times in which the allergy can cause a severe effect on the gastrointestinal system that bloody stools occur. Both diarrhea and bloody stools can lead to dehydration. Seek medical care if the gastrointestinal conditions persists for more than 3 days for adults and if more than 24 hours for children.

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