What are the types of open wounds?

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It is important to note that wounds are injuries to the body that range from a minor scratch or a severe case that involves the complete removal of a particular body part. Always remember that wounds are categorized into four major groups based on the type of injury. You can learn how to properly manage a wound by enrolling in a first aid class today.


An abrasion or a scrape is characterized by the removal of the exterior layer of the skin when it is rubbed against a rough or hard surface. It is important to note that an abrasion is essentially a shallow wound unlike with a laceration that is very deep. Even though an abrasion can be considered as a minor wound, it still requires cleaning. You have to clean an abrasion thoroughly and apply an antibiotic ointment in order to prevent infection from developing as well as hastening the healing process. Take note that abrasion often forms scabs which is the way the body heals itself. These scabs simply fall off when they are not needed anymore. Just make sure that the individual will not pick on the scabs since it can delay the healing process.

Open wounds
You have to clean an abrasion thoroughly and apply an antibiotic ointment in order to prevent infection from developing as well as hastening the healing process.


A laceration or a cut involves the separation of the skin due to a sharp object such as a razor or knife. It is important to note that lacerations are best described as wounds that typically form a line on the skin surface but can extend deep through the skin layers. Take note that this type of wound often bleeds in a profuse manner and the treatment usually involves the application of stitches done by a healthcare professional in order to prevent the wound from reopening as well as preventing exposure to any sources of infection.


Puncture wounds are those that are caused by any pointed object and can extend deep in the skin and tissues. The common cause of puncture wounds includes a nail, sharp tooth or the tip of a knife. In case there is debris present within the wound, medical attention is required so that they are properly removed. Do not attempt to probe deep into a puncture wound just to remove any foreign object.

Another feature of this type of wound is they do not often bleed as severely as with other wounds. Since bleeding helps eliminate any foreign materials within the wound, puncture wounds will put an individual at higher risk for infection.


Avulsions are wounds in which the skin or tissue is torn away from the body. A severe form of avulsion is amputation in which a particular body part such as a finger or hand is entirely removed during an injury. Due to the serious nature of the torn flesh or an amputated limb, it is important to seek immediate emergency care for this type of wound. Take note that this wound can cause a lot of pain due to the tearing of the skin and can bleed profusely.

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