What are the symptoms of patellar subluxation?

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The patella is best described as a small bone positioned in front of the knee joint. Once patellar subluxation occurs, the tendons that are responsible for stabilizing the kneecap strangely slips out of its normal position. The condition usually occurs right after the knee joint endured a traumatic injury. Individuals who develop the symptoms of patellar subluxation must consult a doctor as soon as possible for proper assessment and treatment or he/she must be taken to the nearest emergency department so that emergency care can be given. It is important that you are familiar with the symptoms of patellar subluxation so that appropriate measures can be taken.

Severe pain

The common symptom once patellar subluxation occurs is severe pain that is localized in the area surrounding the knee. The pain typically manifests right away and tends to worsen once the individual tries to move the affected knee. The pain in the knee after patellar subluxation tends to persist until the patella is restored into its normal position. Right after appropriate first aid and treatment is provided; the affected knee joint will stay tender to the touch until it fully heals. If you will enroll in a first aid course, you will learn the basics that are truly useful when treating similar injuries.

Patellar subluxation
The common symptom once patellar subluxation occurs is severe pain that is localized in the area surrounding the knee.

Bruising or swelling

It is important to note that patellar subluxation can cause instant swelling of the affected knee joint. The knee joint will enlarge or become puffy and even tender to the touch. The damage on the tissue caused by the subluxation can result to the bruising of the skin around the knee. The bruising manifests once the blood accumulates under the skin surface, thus the affected skin area will appear blue, red or purple. These symptoms typically diminish once the injury heals.

Instability of the knee

The moment the knee tendon slips out of its normal position, the knee joint will become unstable. Always remember that this type of injury will make it burdensome for the individual to place weight on the affected knee while walking or standing, thus making daily activities difficult.

If the individual places weight on the affected knee, there is likelihood that it will give out or give away, thus increasing the risk for losing balance or even falling down. On the other hand, once the damaged knee joint fully heals, the normal strength of the knee will be completely restored.


In some cases, individuals who suffer from patellar subluxation will notice that the injured knee will appear deformed. The deformity can occur once the patella slides out of its normal location, resulting to the misalignment of the knee. The moment the kneecap is restored to its normal position by a doctor through a procedure, the deformity of the knee will be resolved.

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