What are the symptoms of oyster allergy?

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Oysters are considered as shellfish that can be eaten raw or cooked. Based on statistics, there are millions of individuals all over the world who are highly sensitive to seafood such as shrimp, lobster and oysters. The individual can experience several symptoms of an allergic reaction after consumption of oyster, but this depends on the harshness of the reaction that will manifest. If a family member has oyster allergy, you can register for a first aid course so that you are prepared to handle an allergic reaction.

Skin symptoms

Individuals who are allergic to oysters typically develop skin reactions after eating or handling oyster or foods that contain the shellfish. The symptoms can include the development of red-colored, itchy rashes on parts of the body that came in contact with the oyster. Some can end up with hives or irritated, inflamed areas of skin surrounding the mouth. Parts of the body particularly the lips, hands or face can appear puffy or inflamed after eating food that contains oysters. If the individual experiences any of these skin symptoms after eating oyster or foods that contain the shellfish, consult a doctor as soon as possible.

Oyster allergy
In some cases, abdominal cramps can be experienced depending on the harshness of the oyster allergy.

Gastrointestinal symptoms

Those who are allergic to oysters can experience several gastrointestinal symptoms after eating oysters. The symptoms such as vomiting, nausea or diarrhea are commonly experienced after eating oysters. In some cases, abdominal cramps can be experienced depending on the harshness of the oyster allergy.

Respiratory symptoms

Individuals who are prone to an allergic reaction to oysters can experience a number of symptoms that affect the respiratory treat after the shellfish is eaten. Some will start to wheeze or cough after eating oysters or foods that contain the shellfish. Even shortness of breath or asthma can occur after direct contact through handling or eating foods that contain oysters.

As for a severe allergic response known as anaphylaxis, it can occur. This is considered as a dangerous condition that can manifest within seconds right after exposure to the allergen. The symptoms of anaphylaxis include the following:

  • Throat or tongue swelling
  • Wheezing
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Loss of consciousness

If the individual experiences any of these symptoms, it is important to bring the individual to the hospital so that emergency care can be provided right away to counteract the symptoms.

Other symptoms

An individual with oyster allergy can also experience additional symptoms all over the body after consumption of oyster and oyster-containing foods. Some individuals can develop itchy nose or nasal congestion while others start to sneeze. In some cases, irritation of the eye can occur.

Depending on the severity of the oyster allergy, some can experience lightheadedness or dizziness that can eventually lead to loss of consciousness. If the individual experiences any of the symptoms right after eating oysters, it is vital to seek medical care as soon as possible for further assessment and care.

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