What are the indications of potential blood pressure problems?

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The indications of blood pressure problems are not always apparent. An individual who has an elevated blood pressure or hypertension does not show any signs or symptoms and can have the condition for years without realizing it. Similarly, hypotension or low blood pressure has few signs or symptoms. On the other hand, if both conditions are left unchecked, blood pressure problems can cause significant effects on the health.

Dizziness and fainting due to low blood pressure

Take note that both dizziness and fainting are indications of hypotension or low blood pressure. Even though low blood pressure does not seem dangerous, it can cause symptoms of dizziness and fainting or it can indicate the presence of a serious underlying heart, neurological or endocrinal condition.

Blood pressure problems
Take note that both dizziness and fainting are indications of hypotension or low blood pressure.

A severe drop in the pressure can lead to the starvation of the brain and vital organs of oxygen, blood and nutrients which can lead to shock which is life-threatening. Orthostatic hypotension is a type of low blood pressure that occurs when an individual stands up quickly after lying or sitting down for extended periods. This can lead to feelings of dizziness and can lead to fainting. The possible causes of orthostatic hypotension include diabetes, heart problems, adrenal deficiency and Parkinson’s disease.

Abnormal blood pressure readings

Abnormal readings are the most distinctive indications of blood pressure problems. It is important for the individual to regularly take his/her blood pressure readings even if he/she feels fine. In case the blood pressure readings are normal, a doctor can be consulted on how to maintain a healthy blood pressure.

If the reading is too low or too high, he/she should follow treatment plans to normalize his/her values and avoid organ damage or treat any underlying pathology. The blood pressure includes the systolic and diastolic pressure. The systolic pressure is the upper number in the reading which indicates the pressure on the arterial walls when the heart beats. As for the diastolic pressure, it is the lower number in the reading and represents the pressure when the heart is at rest in between beats. A healthy blood pressure reading is 120/80 mmHg.

Dehydration and thirst

Dehydration and unusual thirst are indications of low blood pressure. Take note that dehydration is a life-threatening condition in which the body will lose more water than what is taken in and can cause the blood pressure to drop. Just remember that dehydration is not always indicative of low blood pressure. If you want to learn how to effectively manage dehydration, click here.

The common causes of dehydration include vomiting, fever, severe diarrhea, strenuous exercise and diuretics. A mild case of dehydration can cause weakness, fatigue and dizziness. A severe complication of dehydration or hypovolemic shock occurs when the low blood volume in the body triggers an abrupt decrease in the blood pressure and drastic reduction in the volume of oxygen reaching the cells, organs and tissues. If the condition is left untreated, hypovolemic shock can lead to death in a matter of minutes.

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