What are the ideal remedies for cedar allergy?

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It is important to note that the pollen produced by cedar can trigger severe symptoms of an allergic reaction among individuals who suffer from seasonal allergic rhinitis. Take note that most of the allergy-causing cedar trees are not considered as actual cedars but part of the cypress and juniper families. During the peak season of pollen production of cedar trees, individuals who have cedar allergy are at high risk for experiencing an allergic response. With this in mind, there are several remedies that can help out.

Medications for cedar allergy

There are over-the-counter and prescription medications that can be taken orally or used nasally in order to effectively relieve the allergy symptoms such as runny nose or nasal congestion. Individuals can select from various types of medications such as decongestants, antihistamines and corticosteroids.

Just remember that these medications will not change the sensitivity of the individual to the pollen produced by cedar. An immunotherapy or allergy shot that aims to desensitize an individual to certain allergens has been proven to minimize the severity of the reactions to cedar.

Cedar allergy
There are over-the-counter and prescription medications that can be taken orally or used nasally in order to effectively relieve the allergy symptoms such as runny nose or nasal congestion.

You should take a course on first aid training so that you will know what to do once an individual experiences an allergic reaction upon exposure to cedar.

Controlling the environment

By reducing the exposure of the individual to the airborne cedar allergens, it can help prevent cedar allergy from developing. Since the tree pollens are capable of being dispersed by the wind, the allergens can travel far distances. Even if there are no nearby cedar trees, the individual is still at risk for developing an allergic reaction.

It is recommended to wear a dust mask if the individual is required to go outdoors during the peak of the pollen season as well as installing an allergy filter on the air conditioning system. By keeping the indoor air free from pollen, it will prevent cedar allergy from developing. Additionally, using a vacuum with a built-in HEPA filter can greatly reduce the amount of pollen. The individual must take frequent showers and regular washing of clothes to help control the indoor air.

Home treatments

In some cases, when medications could not provide full relief to the symptoms of cedar allergy, it must be supplemented with home treatments. A good example is a daily sinus rinse which is considered as a safe and effective treatment that can be easily done at home.

It is important to note that the miniature cedar pollen can be abundant and adhesive, thus they can settle in the mucous membrane in the nose. By preventing the pollen from being embedded into the sinuses and lungs, it can help prevent the symptoms from manifesting. Always remember that individuals who suffer from allergic rhinitis can use a non-prescription saline solution to flush the nasal passages.

Avoiding the allergen

Individuals who have cedar allergy must avoid working outdoors if possible during the peak of the pollen season. It is important that the individual will monitor the pollen count reports in order to avoid the outdoors when the pollen levels are elevated. Take note that the hay fever allergens are abundant in the air during the morning and at other times during dry, hot and breezy weather. The ideal time to go outside is after a heavy rain.

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