What are the foods that can cause colon pain?

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There are certain foods that could not cause colon pain among individuals with a healthy digestive system. If the individual has conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome, colitis or diverticulitis, there are certain foods and eating practices that can instigate colon pain.

Additionally, seeking medical care or sticking with a diet limited on these foods can prevent or reduce the flare-up of the symptoms. Prior to making drastic changes in the diet, a doctor should be consulted.

High-fiber vegetables and fruits

In some circumstances, fiber-rich foods can worsen the colon pain associated with colitis or irritable bowel syndrome, especially if diarrhea is present which is due to inflammation or if the individual has a diet low in fiber.

Avoid foods that contain high fiber such as lentils, beans, apples and broccoli during the episodes of diarrhea. Gradually add fiber-packed foods such as white bread to improve the symptoms of colitis and irritable bowel syndrome. In case vegetables aggravate the symptoms, it is vital to steam or bake vegetables instead of consuming them raw.

Colon pain
fiber-rich foods can worsen the colon pain associated with colitis or irritable bowel syndrome, especially if diarrhea is present which is due to inflammation or if the individual has a diet low in fiber.

Refined grains

Always bear in mind that fiber has a big role in managing colon pain since it helps the intestines work optimally. It also relaxes and allows smooth release of stool via the digestive tract. Since refined grains lose fiber once processed, excess consumption can result to colon pain and other associated issues such as constipation.

As high-glycemic foods, they drastically affect the blood sugar levels which also cause inflammation. It is recommended to avoid refined variants such as white bread to improve the symptoms of colitis and IBS. Other nutritious alternatives include brown rice, oats, quinoa, pasta, whole-grain breads and cereals.

Dairy products and fatty meats

Dairy and high-fat meat products are the main sources of saturated fat that can add up to colon pain by causing inflammation. Reducing the intake of red meat and opting for leaner alternatives for protein such as tofu can reduce the discomfort and other accompanying symptoms.

Reducing the intake of dairy products can help manage the colon pain by reducing diarrhea. The dairy products that can trigger inflammation that must be limited from the diet include whole milk, butter, cheddar cheese and heavy cream.

Caffeine and alcohol

Both alcohol and caffeine can aggravate the colon pain linked to colitis and irritable bowel syndrome. Otherwise, moderate intake of alcohol might help reduce the inflammation.

Spicy foods

Always bear in mind that spicy foods can worsen the colon pain. In case spicy foods aggravate the symptoms, the individual must avoid dishes such as Mexican food, spicy curries, hot peppers and salsa. It is recommended to season foods with less spicy herbs.

Commercial baked goods and fried foods

Fried foods such as French fries, pastries and various commercially-baked products such as pizza dough, pie crust and cookies that contain trans-fat can aggravate the colon pain linked with inflammation.

It is vital to avoid foods that contain partially hydrogenated vegetable oil. As for fried foods, they add saturated fat to the diet.

Allergy and intolerance

If an individual is intolerant to a certain food, the digestive tract starts to react by instigating symptoms such as abdominal pain, nausea, gas pain and bloating. As for food allergy, the immune system starts to react after eating and triggers symptoms such as diarrhea, abdominal pain, breathing issues and rashes.

Lactose which is the natural sugar found in cow’s milk is the leading culprit of intolerance. Most cases of food allergies involve eggs, cow’s milk, tree nuts, fish, wheat, peanuts or shellfish. In some cases, an individual is intolerant to gluten which is a protein present in barley, wheat and rye. Consulting a doctor is vital to determine if the individual has allergy or intolerance.

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