What are suitable remedies for wrist tendinitis?

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The tendons are responsible for connecting muscles to the bones. Once a muscle contracts, forces is conducted through the tendon which tugs on the bones in order to produce movement. The wrist joint is exposed to various movements and the tendons can end up swollen or irritated, thus resulting to stiffness and pain. In case wrist tendinitis is suspected, you can perform several measures that can help manage the symptoms. You can learn more about this condition by enrolling in a first aid class today.

Proper rest and application of a splint

In most cases of wrist tendinitis, it is usually triggered by overuse of the joint. Certain activities such as housework, gardening, typing and using hand tools requires the wrist to constantly bend, thus triggering issues later on. With this in mind, it is vital that the wrist is given enough time to rest once the symptoms of wrist tendinitis flare up.

Wrist tendinitis
The main objective of the treatment for wrist tendinitis is to minimize the swelling and inflammation in the affected area.

The doctor will also recommend the use of splints, braces or wraps. The application of a brace in the affected area can prevent the wrist from bending while performing daily activities so that the area can heal properly. Additionally, there are also ergonomic aids such as specialized mouse pads, keyboards and other tools that allow the wrist to work while the individual is working.

Application of ice and elevation

The main objective of the treatment for wrist tendinitis is to minimize the swelling and inflammation in the affected area. When the condition flares up, it is recommended to apply an ice pack on the wrist. The application should be done for 15-20 minutes throughout the day to help control the swelling and numbing the area for pain relief.

The wrist should be elevated higher than the level of the heart to help control the inflammation. Once these techniques do not successfully manage the symptoms, pain and anti-inflammatory medications can be given.

Postural training

The symptoms of wrist tendinitis can be worsened by using the wrist joint incorrectly. It is vital to utilize proper body mechanics while engaging in daily activities that involves the joint. It is recommended to maintain the wrist in neutral position as much as possible. It simply means that the individual should avoid bending the wrist in an up and down manner while working with a keyboard or while driving.

The use of tools, combs, utensils, toothbrushes and other grooming devices that are built with large, non-slip handles will not require the individual to grip tightly on these objects. The individual should also take breaks or alternate activities to reduce the risk of moving the wrist excessively in a single direction.


The moment the symptoms of wrist tendinitis subside, it is vital that the individual will start a routine of gentle stretching and strengthening. The regular stretching will keep the joint flexible while the muscles become stronger, thus making them capable of working longer without adding stress on the wrist joint.


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