Using Tegaderm dressing

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Tegaderm dressings are specifically designed to aid in wound care as well as for infusion therapy sites. With the versatile nature, effectiveness and ease of use, it made these dressings essentials in health care facilities. Additionally, they are impermeable to microorganisms, creating an effective barrier to contamination while at the same time providing a moist environment to promote proper healing. It also has a sturdy frame that allows easy, accurate placement to minimize wrinkling as well as removal.

Preparation of the site

Tegaderm dressing
Clean the wound and surrounding skin thoroughly using the recommended solutions.
  • Before performing first aid using Tegaderm dressing, you have to wash your hands with water and soap for about two minutes. Pat dry and wear gloves.
  • You have to assess the site. Depending on the wound, the Tegaderm dressings vary based on the infection risk, exudate and the severity of the wound as well as those used solely on IV sites. Choose the right dressing based on the site, skin condition and wound type. The application of IV dressings and wound dressings has minor differences.
  • Clip or shave off excess hair using medical scissors for proper adhesion and comfort for the individual.
  • Clean the wound and surrounding skin thoroughly using the recommended solutions. You have to allow the skin to properly dry before applying the dressing. Take note that moisture will prevent proper adhesion and can disrupt proper healing.

Application of the wound dressing

  • Check the wound and choose the appropriate size of the dressing so that 3/8 inch extends beyond the edges of the wound. Avoid cutting the dressing.
  • Hold the dressing by a tab and then peel the liner from the dressing in order to expose the adhesive surface. Continue to hold the dressing on the tabs and position the dressing over the wound with the adhesive downwards. Do not forget to avoid stretching the dressing.
  • Press gently the dressing in place and smooth starting from the center and outwards.
  • Remove the paper frame slowly while pressing down and smoothen the film border to ensure proper adhesion.

Removal of the wound dressing

  • Lift the film edges carefully from the skin. In case it is difficult to lift the dressing, apply the tape to the edge and use it to lift.
  • The used dressing must be disposed and other materials in a biohazard container.
  • Consult a doctor if the wound increases in size after the dressing has been changed for a few times and does not show any healing or if symptoms such as redness, irritation, maceration of the surrounding skin or hypergranulation occurs.

Important considerations when using Tegaderm dressing

When using Tegaderm dressing, always remember that it should not be left longer than seven days. This is vital if the dressing is used to secure an intravenous catheter. Additionally, if this dressing is used on infected wounds, it must only be performed by a health care professional.

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