Triggers for knee pain: Types of food

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Knee pain that is caused by gout or arthritis can affect performance in sports or ability to jog. In severe cases, the knee pain can even prevent an individual from walking normally. Based on studies conducted, there is no evidence which confirms that certain foods can aggravate knee pain. On the other hand, circumstantial proof does exist and many individuals claim that avoiding certain foods can be beneficial for the pain. You can try to avoid certain types of foods that can worsen knee pain, but it is best to consult a doctor first before making any alterations to your diet.

Possible foods that can trigger knee pain


Certain foods that can trigger or worsen allergic reactions can also aggravate knee pain. It is important to note that the knee and other joint issues might indicate an allergic reaction to certain foods.

Knee pain
The foods that originate from plants in the “nightshade” family might worsen knee pain due to arthritis.

The usual food allergies include wheat, milk, fish, soy, shellfish and nuts. With this in mind, the individual should eliminate these foods from his/her diet one at a time to check if they have any effect on the pain.

Nightshade plants

The foods that originate from plants in the “nightshade” family might worsen knee pain due to arthritis. The typical foods that came from nightshade plants include tomatoes, potatoes and peppers.

The individual experiencing knee pain can avoid these foods to help minimize the pain due to inflammation or arthritis. Take note that tobacco is also included in the nightshade family, thus chewing or smoking tobacco can also aggravate the pain.

Animal protein

If the individual eats meat, it might also be a contributing factor to the knee pain. Always bear in mind that in some individuals, the body reacts to the presence of proteins from meat as a threat.

The immune system responds by triggering an attack on the protein. It is sad to note that if the immune system is in a constantly “alert” state, it can also attack its own tissues, particularly the joints.

In studies conducted, it was discovered that individuals who have minimal animal protein in their diet do not suffer from arthritis or other autoimmune conditions. With this in mind, avoidance of meat might be a solution to help minimize the pain especially if it is due to an autoimmune condition.

Whether the pain experienced by the individual is triggered by food or other possible causes, it is best to set an appointment with a doctor so that the exact cause can be determined.

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