Swallowing hazards for infants

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It is a known fact that babies tend to put everything in their mouths. Infants are indiscriminate on what they will try and will taste anything that they will put their hands on and they might ingest harmful substances if readily within their reach. Once the babies can move on their own, it is important to secure all potentially harmful substances to prevent being put in the mouth. Babies below the age of 3 years old are at high risk for poisoning and choking if swallowing hazards are readily present in the environment.


Medications can include vitamins that appear and taste just like candy as well as over-the-counter and prescription medications. Avoid leaving medications on tables that are within the reach of infants. Any purses must be out of reach since many women usually carry their medications in their purses.

swallowing hazards
Choking hazards must be out of reach at all times.


Plants pose as a risk to infants especially those that have interesting berries and bushes. Babies can even chew on the leaves and flowers that will fall apart from plants that are inside the house. Always remember that many common plants are poisonous including tomatoes that are unripe and the green eyes on potatoes. Even flowers such as foxglove, azaleas, rhododendron, oleander and mountain laurel can lead to vomiting, nausea, dizziness or confusion if ingested. Non-poisonous plants such as begonias, African violets, gardenias, lilacs, violets can cause choking and stomach upset.

Household products

It is difficult to clean without cleaning products around the house. Household cleaners typically include bleach, soaps and laundry detergent. Even common products such as mouthwash can contain alcohol. Shampoo, nail polish or liquid makeup can cause problems if taken in large amounts. Always keep cleaners and harmful household products in cabinets that have child-proof locks. Poisons used on insects and rats are poisonous and must be stored properly.

Small objects

Poisonous substances are not the only hazards that are within reach to infants. Small objects such as pins, buttons, pieces of plastic, small toys and even pet food pose as choking hazards. Babies can easily reach in hard-to-reach spaces such as under tables and behind couches to pick up small pieces that lodged in there. Finding small hazards is possible by crawling around on the floor and you will be surprised with what you will find. Always remember that babies are fast, thus you should never leave small objects that can be placed in the mouth within reach on a table.

Lead paint

Lead paint has been considered the biggest poisoning risk to babies and young children. Lead poisoning is known to cause lasting neurological damage. Lead paint is often found on walls, toys and even furniture.

These are the potential hazards for babies that you should be aware of. Always ensure that household products are properly stored and possible swallowing hazards are not within easy reach.

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