What are the symptoms of staph infection in children?

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Staph infections are typically triggered by a strain of bacteria called staphylococcus aureus. Throughout the years, the bacteria are known to trigger a variety of infections that affects both adults and children. Among children, staph infections usually affect the skin but can also develop inside the body. The treatment involves administration of medications to eliminate the infection as well as resolve the symptoms. It is recommended to consult a doctor if the child develops any symptoms of a staph infection.

Skin lesions

Once a child develops a staph infection on the skin, he/she can end up with various types of skin lesions. Boils are pus-filled lesions inside the oil glands or hair follicles which are the usual symptoms of staph infection.

The boils can appear reddish, painful and swollen and develop on any part of the body including the buttocks, face or inner thighs. Always bear in mind that a staph infection can also lead to the development of impetigo which is a communicable skin infection that results to itchy, crusted lesions on the extremities or face.

Staph infection
Nausea, severe abdominal cramps, vomiting or diarrhea can develop among children within an hour after consuming staph-contaminated food.

As for cellulitis, it is an infection under the skin characterized by swollen areas usually on the legs. In some infants who have staph infections, they develop scalded skin syndrome that causes blisters or rashes. In most cases, the skin lesions due to staph are mild and can be managed quickly.

What are the flu-like symptoms?

In case the child develops a staph infection after ingestion of contaminated food, he/she can exhibit various flu-like symptoms.  Nausea, severe abdominal cramps, vomiting or diarrhea can develop among children within an hour after consuming staph-contaminated food. Remember that these symptoms can persist for several days. In case the symptoms continue to worsen or do not seem to subside, it is best to schedule an appointment with a doctor so that proper assessment can be carried out.

Endocarditis or pneumonia

If the staph bacteria enter the bloodstream, it is a condition known as bacteremia. It is important to note that bacteria can infect the internal organs. Once the bacteria reaches the lungs, the child can end up with pneumonia.

The indications of pneumonia include headache, fever, difficulty breathing as well as fatigue and muscle pain. The staph bacteria that reach the lining of the heart can lead to endocarditis. The symptoms include heart murmurs, fever, night sweats, swelling of the legs or feet, pale skin as well as difficulty breathing. If not treated, this condition can be life-threatening.

Due to the delicate nature of children, it is best to set an appointment with a doctor so that careful assessment can be carried out so that proper treatment can be started to help resolve the infection.

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