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A seizure is basically a change in the electrical activity of the brain that can lead to noticeable symptoms or none in some cases. The symptoms of a severe case usually include violent shaking and loss of control. Nevertheless, mild cases can also indicate an underlying medical problem thus recognizing the symptoms is vital. Always bear in mind that some can often lead to injuries or an underlying condition. With this in mind, it is essential to seek treatment right away.

Types of seizures

There are various types of seizure and the most common which is due to injuries is the non-epileptic type. It can be caused by a blow to the head or an illness. Once it is treated, the condition will go away.

The partial seizures are connected with epilepsy. This type typically occurs on only one side of the brain. The generalized seizures occur on both sides of the brain and include the grand mal or tonic-clonic seizure.

Symptoms of a seizure

Dizziness is one of the warning signs of an upcoming seizure attack.

Both partial and generalized types can be experienced at the same time or even precede the other. The symptoms can last for a few seconds up to 15 minutes during each episode. In some cases, it can occur with warning signs such as the following before it manifests:

  • Dizziness
  • Sudden feeling of anxiousness or fear
  • Sick feeling in the stomach
  • Vision changes

The symptoms of seizure include the following which indicates that one is in progress:

  • Uncontrollable muscle spasms
  • Blackout followed by confusion
  • Falling
  • Drooling at the mouth
  • Clenching of teeth
  • Strange taste in the mouth
  • Abrupt and rapid eye movements
  • Loss of bladder and bowel function
  • Unusual noises such as grunting
  • Sudden changes in the mood

Causes of seizures

The condition can range from different health conditions. Almost anything that can affect the body can also disrupt the brain and eventually lead to a seizure.

  • Infection in the brain
  • Alcohol withdrawal
  • Brain injury during childbirth
  • Choking
  • Brain defect at birth
  • Drug abuse
  • Drug withdrawal
  • Electric shock
  • Electrolyte imbalance
  • Epilepsy
  • Stroke
  • Low blood glucose levels
  • Liver or kidney failure

Treatment for seizures

If an individual is suffering from a seizure, the first aid measure is to clear the area to prevent possible injuries. The individual must be positioned on his/her side with the head properly cushioned.

Stay with the individual and call for emergency assistance right away if the seizure lasts longer than 2-5 minutes, he/she experiences repeated episodes and if could not be awakened after the seizure.

The treatment for the condition depends on the cause. By treating the cause, it can help prevent future episodes from occurring. If the condition is due to epilepsy, the treatment options include medications, nerve stimulation, surgery and a special diet. If regular treatment is provided, individuals with epilepsy will notice a drastic drop in the manifestation of the symptoms.

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