Fever: Should I wake up a child at night?

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Many parents are alarmed when a child ends up with nighttime fever. Always bear in mind that fever is triggered by various conditions, but it is usually due to a viral infection. Once a child develops fever, it is vital that parents know when to seek medical care.

When to wake up a child?

In case a child has fever of 102 degree F or higher, a doctor should be consulted so that proper assessment can be carried out. If the fever is detected after hours, the doctor might recommend bringing the child to a healthcare facility so that proper assessment can be carried out. On the other hand, the doctor will note down other symptoms experienced by the child and make a suitable recommendation. In case the doctor endorses urgent care, there is a need to wake the child up.

For children below 3 months of age, a doctor should be consulted if the fever is more than 101 degrees F. Always bear in mind that infants have underdeveloped immune systems and requires close monitoring. In case the doctor endorses urgent care, wake the infant up.

In case a child has fever of 102 degree F or higher, a doctor should be consulted so that proper assessment can be carried out.

Fever-reducing medications

Before providing the child with a fever-reducing medication, a doctor should be consulted first. The fever-reducing medications are usually given for children with fever over 102 degrees F. If these medications are given to children with low-grade fever, it might only prolong the condition. In case the doctor recommends the medication, it should be given as directed and might require waking the child up at night.


In case the child wakes up at night with a fever, you can minimize the discomfort with a lukewarm soak. All you have to do is allow the child to soak not longer than 10 minutes. Once the child shivers during the bath, take him/her out. Remember that shivering can cause the muscles to shake, thus resulting to an increased body temperature. Make sure that the child is dressed in cool clothing and simply use a light blanket while sleeping.

Increased fluids

You have to keep the child properly hydrated while he/she has fever since there is a risk for dehydration. In case the child wakes up at night, provide him/her with water or an electrolyte replacement drink. Throughout daytime, you can also provide the child with broth and diluted juice. When it comes to infants, continue to feed on his/her normal feeding schedule. A doctor should be consulted if the child refuses to eat or drink.

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