Common cases of food intolerance

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If the individual experiences bloating, stomach upset, headache or a general feeling of uneasiness after eating a particular food, he/she might have food intolerance. Aside from celiac disease, cases of food intolerance tend to differ from the food allergies which involve the immune system. Essentially, food intolerance can be unpleasant but not considered life-threatening. Even though the body can have a reaction to any type of food, certain foods are more likely to trigger problems than others. By enrolling in a first aid class, you can learn how to manage this condition.

Gluten intolerance

Celiac disease or gluten intolerance is basically an autoimmune condition that is triggered by a response to gluten which is the protein present in rye, wheat and barley. The condition is often confused with food allergy but it involves damage to the small intestines due to an immune system reaction.

The symptoms include fatigue, gas, nausea, constipation and skin issues. Nevertheless, if the individual is negative for celiac, he/she might have non-celiac gluten sensitivity in which the similar symptoms are experienced but do not cause severe internal damage. The solution to this condition is to stick with a gluten-free diet.

Food intolerance
The symptoms of lactose intolerance include bloating, abdominal pain, diarrhea, gas and nausea which occur between 30 minutes up to two hours after consuming milk or products that contain milk.

Lactose intolerance

This type of food intolerance involves the inability of the body to digest the sugar present in milk. When it comes to lactose intolerance, the body lacks the enzyme lactase which digests the sugars. This food intolerance is more common among adults than children. The symptoms of lactose intolerance include bloating, abdominal pain, diarrhea, gas and nausea which occur between 30 minutes up to two hours after consuming milk or products that contain milk.

MSG intolerance

MSG or monosodium glutamate is used to enhance flavors of various Asian dishes as well as in processed meats and canned products. The symptoms include flushing, headache, numbness, sweating and shortness of breath, rapid heartbeat, weakness and nausea. If an individual is sensitive to MSG, he/she should also avoid free glutamate which occurs naturally in tomatoes, grapes, peas, potatoes, mushrooms and some cheeses.

Alcohol intolerance

An actual allergy to alcohol is considered rare but an individual can experience a reaction after consuming alcohol due to alcohol intolerance which is more common among individuals who have Asian descent. The symptoms of alcohol intolerance include difficulty breathing, rashes and stomach cramps. The intolerance is usually triggered by the liver which could not break down alcohol to acetic acid. Nevertheless, in some types of alcohol such a red wine, the reaction is due to sulfites rather than the alcohol.

Sulfite sensitivity

Always bear in mind that sulfites naturally occur in some beverages and foods such as red wine but they are also added to certain foods such as preservatives. An individual who is sensitive to sulfites can experience irritable bowel syndrome, rashes, asthma and headaches after consumption.

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