Proper management of rhinitis

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Rhinitis can trigger symptoms such as itchy or runny nose, sneezing and other nasal issues. If an individual persistently suffers from rhinitis, it is best to consult a doctor for proper treatment of the condition with various medications.


When managing rhinitis, antihistamines are used in order to reduce the production of histamine which triggers the initial symptoms of rhinitis. These medications are available as tablets although the nasal sprays are also effective. It is important to note that there are a variety of antihistamines available and the recommended ones are taken once daily and will not trigger drowsiness in many individuals. Take note that this form of treatment is required if the symptoms are mild and highly effective for sneezing episodes or an itchy or runny nose, but not suitable for a blocked nose. In case the first antihistamine used is not beneficial, it is recommended to switch to another one after consulting a doctor.

Rhinitis can trigger symptoms such as itchy or runny nose, sneezing and other nasal issues.

Steroid nasal sprays

In case the symptoms persist, the regular use of a steroid nasal spray to manage the inflammation is needed, particularly if a clogged nose is the issue. Just like with antihistamines, there are various types of steroid nasal sprays and more than one might be used in order to find the best solution. Ideally, nasal sprays must be started a week or two before the symptoms manifest to achieve the best effect. For moderate to severe symptoms, a spray that contains steroid along with an antihistamine can be prescribed by the doctor.

Cromoglycate nasal sprays

The cromoglycate nasal sprays are considered as beneficial substitutes to antihistamines among some individuals especially children since they relieve mild inflammation. Remember that it is vital to use the nasal sprays correctly.

Nasal sprays that contain decongestants

These medications might be useful during the worst days or for additional relief for congestion for an exam or special event but should not be used on a regular basis since after a few days of use; it will only worsen the symptoms. In addition to proper treatment, proprietary non-drug solutions that wash out or douche mucus from clogged noses and sinuses can provide temporary relief.

Important considerations to bear in mind

Always bear in mind that steroid nasal sprays and antihistamines often control the eye symptoms as well but eye drops are available over-the-counter or on prescription if required. The cromoglycate drops are often effective but the doctor can prescribe more potent drops if the individual experiences severe eye symptoms.

All the treatment options for rhinitis should be taken regularly since it is more difficult to manage the symptoms that are already well-established. The intake of medications occasionally during the worst days is considered less effective and must aim to start using the preventive/treatment nasal sprays at least 2 weeks before the symptoms typically start.

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