Possible causes of burning neck pain

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There are several conditions that can instigate burning neck pain. It is important to note that the burning neck pain tends to vary in quality and severity depending on the exact cause of the condition as well as the tissues that are involved.

The neck pain can be dull, deep, piercing, aching, stabbing or burning. As for the quality, it can help determine the condition that causes the discomfort. In some circumstances, the burning neck pain can indicate a serious underlying health condition that entails medical care. If you want to learn ways to manage the pain, click here.

Neck pain
Whiplash is an injury that can cause burning neck pain. It is a sprain or strain injury involving the soft tissues of the neck.


Whiplash is an injury that can cause burning neck pain. It is a sprain or strain injury involving the soft tissues of the neck. Take note that whiplash is a collection of symptoms that occur right after abrupt flexion-extension of the neck. The usual cause of whiplash is a rear-end collision during a vehicular accident that involves the neck ligaments and muscles, cervical spinal discs, intervertebral joints and the nerve roots that exit the spinal column.

The usual indications of whiplash typically include burning neck pain, stiffness of the neck, dizziness as well as headache, strange sensations in the upper extremities, difficulty concentrating, memory loss, depression and fatigue. With proper care, many cases of whiplash can recover within 3 months after the injury. On the other hand, some can suffer from residual neck pain and headaches long after the injury that caused whiplash.

Cervical disc herniation

When it comes to cervical disc herniation, it can also cause burning neck pain. Cervical disc herniation occurs once the center of the spinal disc ruptures through the fibrous exterior wall of the disc and presses on or irritates one of the nerve roots that exit from the spinal column.

Most cases of cervical disc herniation typically respond well to conservative treatment methods. These measures include joint immobilization and traction. The symptoms tend to vary depending on the location of the herniation and the response of the individual to pain. The usual indications include burning neck pain that can radiate to the arm, numbness and tingling, weakness in the upper extremity as well as neck pain during movement.

Brachial plexus injuries

It is important to note that brachial plexus injuries can cause burning neck pain as well as in the shoulder. Brachial plexus injuries are quite common among athletes who engage in contact sports such as rugby, football as well as hockey.

Brachial plexus injuries tend to transpire once the neck and head are driven to one side while the opposing shoulder is driven downward. Take note that this motion stretches the nerves of the brachial plexus which is a network of nerves that runs via the upper shoulder and into the arm.

The possible signs and symptoms include harsh burning neck pain that radiates to the arm and fingers, numbness and weakness of the affected arm. The brachial plexus injuries can be prevented with proper stretching of the neck muscles as well as utilizing proper techniques when engaging in contact sports.

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