Overview on swimmer’s ear

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Swimmer’s ear is an exterior ear infection that develops when water, often from swimming pool that gets trapped inside the ear. Even water from swimming, bathing or boating in a river or lake can cause swimmer’s ear. Unlike with the middle ear infections, this condition can be seen from the outside of the ear.

Other conditions that might be confused with swimmer’s ear include middle ear infections, skin allergies or fluid in the ear. If the individual is unsure if the symptoms are caused by swimmer’s ear or a different condition, you should learn more about swimmer’s ear.

When to consult a doctor

In most cases of swimmer’s ear, a doctor should be consulted as soon as possible in order to prevent complications such as malignant otitis externa. Nevertheless, there are instances in which remedies at home can be used to help ease the symptoms.

Most cases of swimmer’s ear can be treated with antibiotic ear drops but some would require systemic antibiotics taken orally.

Just remember though not to use home remedies if the individual had a recent ear surgery or suspect that he/she has a ruptured eardrum since some remedies might damage the ears and even cause hearing loss.


Most cases of swimmer’s ear can be treated with antibiotic ear drops but some would require systemic antibiotics taken orally.

In some individuals, they have excessive ear wax that should be removed so that the ear drops will work effectively. This is performed by the doctor in the clinic. Remember, do not attempt to remove the ear wax since you might be pushing it farther in or even rupture the eardrum accidentally.

Take note that ear candles are not recommended. In reality, they are considered dangerous. The doctor will be the one to select the suitable treatment based on the severity of the symptoms and determine the extent of the infection.

How to deal with pain of swimmer’s ear

It is sad to note that swimmer’s ear can be painful condition. Swimmer’s ear is different from a middle ear infection due to the presence of pain once the ear lobe is pulled or wiggled. In addition, the ear can also be swollen and itchy, which makes it condition unbearable to many especially to children.

Prevention of swimmer’s ear

It is important to note that swimmer’s ear has the tendency to recur. It simply means that once an individual had it, he/she is likely to get it again. It is also true that the more time the individual spends in the water, the more likely he/she will develop swimmer’s ear. Luckily, it is a preventable condition with a number of preventive measures such as wearing ear plugs while swimming and ensuing that the ears are dry with after swimming or bathing. In addition, it is best to avoid swimming in water that might be contaminated with bacteria.

In case the condition appears severe, it is best to consult a doctor for proper assessment of the ear condition as well as starting the appropriate treatment.

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