Treatment options for a chronic sprained ankle

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A chronic sprained ankle occurs when an earlier case of a sprained ankle was not able to heal correctly, oftentimes due to poor or late treatment. The symptoms can reappear frequently and can include pain, edema and inflammation in the affected ankle. Many cases of sprained ankle will likely end up with recurring symptoms even after positive treatment and proper healing of the previous injury. If you want to learn how to provide ease to the symptoms, click here.

What are the types of treatment for a chronic sprained ankle?

Home remedies, oral medications and physical therapy can help relieve the symptoms linked with a case of a chronic sprained ankle. The physical therapy typically includes rehabilitation exercises that will strengthen the muscles as well as improve the balance. Ankle wraps and braces are some of the home treatments that will support the ankle as well as prevent further injury. In addition, oral topical solutions can be used to minimize the pain and inflammation.

Chronic sprained ankle
The application of ice packs and the use of ankle wraps at home can also reduce the inflammation and provide ankle support to make the physical therapy effective.

What are the benefits?

In most circumstances, the treatment for a chronic sprained ankle usually involves conservative and non-invasive measures. The physical therapy is carried out in the clinical setting to help retrain the muscles for the stability of the ankle. The treatments prescribed for home use are convenient and practical as well as help improve the therapy. The application of ice packs and the use of ankle wraps at home can also reduce the inflammation and provide ankle support to make the physical therapy effective.

Time frame of treatment

The minor injuries can occur after the initial injury can cause the recurrence of the symptoms. Take note that minor injuries include twisting or bending the ankle as well as sitting on the foot of the affected ankle. The home measures can help minimize the symptoms within hours or can take up to a week or longer. As for severe injuries such as another ankle sprain or fractured bone, the treatment might take months.

Preventive measures

There are some forms of treatment that can work as a preventive measure to prevent further injuries to the ankle and foot. An ankle wrap provides support for the treatment of current symptoms and when used before sports or exercise, it can help prevent injury that can result to long-term disability.

Physical therapy is also a treatment of injuries and can be a preventive mechanism. The therapy helps retrain the muscles to promote the stability of the ankle. The chronic symptoms entail proper treatment and preventive methods that involve both home measures and clinical rehabilitation.

Considerations to bear in mind

The exercise must be started within days in which the symptoms recur. Physical activities must involve the use of the affected ankle as well as all the normal range of motion for the ankle and foot. Remember that as long as the affected ankle is active, it can minimize edema as well as keep the muscles aligned properly while tissue repair starts. The individual must consult a doctor first if he/she plans to resume any exercise or sports.


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