What are the foods that trigger flare-ups of arthritis?

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For many years, it was believed that the diet could not help manage arthritis. Based on the recent studies conducted, it was revealed that this inflammatory condition can be managed or even worsened by diet.

There are certain foods that can trigger issues for individuals who have arthritis which generates sore swelling of the joints. These foods include those from the diary and meat groups. In addition, avoidance of gluten-based foods is also beneficial in managing the flare-ups of arthritis.

Depending on the form of arthritis experienced by the individual, it is vital to schedule an appointment with a doctor so that proper assessment can be carried out. It is vital to be familiar with the symptoms of both osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis so that immediate action must be taken to prevent the conditions from getting worse.

Close look on arthritis

Arthritis is a condition that can be categorized as either rheumatoid arthritis or osteoarthritis. When it comes to osteoarthritis, it involves the loss of cartilage in the joints, particularly the knees, spine, fingertips and hips as well as the overgrowth of bone in the joints. Millions of individuals all over the globe suffer from osteoarthritis, usually those over 45 years old.

There are certain foods that can trigger issues for individuals who have arthritis which generates sore swelling of the joints.

Millions also suffer from rheumatoid arthritis which is a more aggressive form of arthritis. The inflamed and painful joints are the distinctive features of this form of arthritis. The diet of the individual has a vital role in controlling the symptoms of both osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.

Being vegetarian

Avoidance of meat might have the biggest effect in managing the symptoms of arthritis. In a study conducted, those under a vegan diet showed significant improvement in the condition.

Vegan and gluten-free diet

In one study conducted, it focused on the effects of a low-fat, vegan diet on individuals with the condition. The outcome was a reduction in the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis, except for the morning stiffness. The foods that are most likely to trigger flare-ups of arthritis include animal foods and those that contain gluten.

Many individuals suffering from the degenerative disease can list down various foods that are known to trigger flare-ups including red meat, salt, fats, sugar, caffeine as well as nightshade plants such as eggplant and tomato. Other major trigger foods that must be avoided include corn, dairy products, meat, eggs, tomatoes, wheat, citrus fruits, potatoes, coffee and nuts.

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