Is it possible to treat wounds using salt water?

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Salt water has been utilized as a natural antiseptic and helps clean and sterilize open wounds throughout the years. Even though salt causes a stinging sensation when applied to an open cut or sore, it has been beneficial in the long run. Take note that salt tends to be abrasive, thus you have to dilute it in a water solution.

Salt water is highly effective when a tablespoon of salt is added to a cup of warm water. You have to mix the salt into the water until it completely dissolves and then soak the wound using the mixture. Even though salt water is not suitable as the primary mode of basic first aid for wounds, it works wells as an initial treatment in order to help disinfect the wound.

How to treat wounds using salt water

Salt water on wounds
If the wound is still bleeding, a salt water bath is not advisable. You can dab the wound of the individual gently with salt water but do not allow it to soak until the wound has clotted completely.

If an individual has a small wound on the foot or hand, you have to fill a small bowl with warm water and add several tablespoons of salt and then soak the wound for about 15 minutes. Rinse the wound in cold water and thoroughly dry.

You can also add rubbing alcohol or hydrogen peroxide to the skin if needed. In case of a bigger wound, you have to prepare a salt water bath. Fill a bathtub with warm water and add a cup of salt. Make sure that you will stir the bathwater using your hands until the salt dissolves completely. Instruct the individual to sit in the salt water bath for about 15 minutes and then rinse off thoroughly in the shower. This can be followed with an application of rubbing alcohol or hydrogen peroxide to further sterilize the wound.

Important considerations when treating wounds using salt water

If the wound is still bleeding, a salt water bath is not advisable. You can dab the wound of the individual gently with salt water but do not allow it to soak until the wound has clotted completely.

In case the wound is profusely bleeding or starts to swell, you have to consult a doctor or bring the individual to the emergency department at the nearest hospital so that emergency care can be provided. If you suspect that the individual sustained a bone injury, do not soak the wound in salt water.

Always remember that treating a wound using salt water is an ideal preventative measure against infection and germs but this will not help heal all wounds. Take note that the wound might require stitches or other treatment options before soaking the wound in salt water. In case you are having doubts, it is best to consult a doctor and ask what you should do regarding the injury. Always remember that an easy and effective way to disinfect a wound is by using salt water. Once a family member sustains a wound, you can use salt water as a disinfectant before providing care on the wound.

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