Interior ear bumps

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The bumps within the ear appear to develop overnight which causes discomfort while making it hard for the individual to hear in some circumstances. Even though an ear bump is not usually an indication of a serious condition, certain types of ear bumps are considered as cancerous growths. The doctor can conclude the suitable option of treatment for the ear bump after identifying the type and the cause of the growth. If you want to learn more about ear bumps, click here.

Ear bumps are likely to form at any location in the ear canal. These lumps or bumps can be soft or hard, depending on the type. Some of these bumps can be sore while others are painless but can affect the hearing of the individual if they clog up the ear canal.

What are the types of ear bumps?

Sebaceous cysts are usually harmless ear bumps that are composed of dead cells and skin oils. These cysts are the most prevalent form of cysts that develop in the ear. Otitis externa is an infection of the ear canal that can lead to swelling that can feel like a bump.

The additional growth of bone in the ear canal can cause non-cancerous osteomas and exostoses. As for keloids, they are caused by the overgrowth of scar tissue that can cause ear bumps if the individual sustained injury to the ear canal.

Ceruminoma is a cancerous tumor that develops in the exterior part of the ear canal which develops once cancer develops in cells that comprise the earwax. There are two types of skin cancer – squamous and basal cell cancer. Both can cause ear bumps to form on the exterior part of the ear canal after years of prolonged exposure to the sun.

Interior ear bumps
In most cases, there is an ear bump after the individual experiences an uncomfortable sensation or fullness in the ear.


In most cases, there is an ear bump after the individual experiences an uncomfortable sensation or fullness in the ear. The sebaceous cysts can be sore especially if infected. If there is a decrease in the hearing in one ear, a large-sized bump that clogs the ear canal might be responsible. Take note that hearing loss can also occur if there is buildup of wax around the bump. As for otitis externa, it can be accompanied by drainage, itchiness, swollen glands in the neck and pain in the ear lobe.


Sebaceous ear bumps typically go away and do not require treatment. In case they are infected, sore or affect the hearing, the doctor will remove the bump or treat it with antibiotics. Exostoses, osteomas and keloids can be removed surgically if they become too big, cause ear infections or affect the hearing.

Corticosteroid ear drops can be used to reduce the swelling caused by otitis externa. Antibiotics are also given to help control the infection. As for basal cell cancer, squamous cell cancer and ceruminoma, they are treated with surgery along with the removal of the surrounding tissue and radiation therapy.

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