Indications of elbow tendonitis

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Elbow tendonitis is a condition that is typically referred to as tennis elbow in which the tendons that surround the elbow joint are inflamed, irritated or damaged due to overuse. It is important to note that this form of injury mostly affects adults between 30-50 years old who engage in activities that adds strain on the elbow joint such as tennis or golf. Once an individual develops the signs and symptoms of elbow tendonitis, a doctor should be consulted for proper assessment of the condition.


The typical symptom linked with elbow tendonitis is pain. The sensations of pain usually manifest in a gradual manner due to an abrupt injury to the tendon. Initially, the sensations of pain are localized to the interior or exterior of the elbow.

The elbow pain can also spread into the shoulder or forearm. Extending the wrist can also cause sensations of pain as well. The use of over-the-counter analgesics or anti-inflammatory medications can help manage the pain. If the individual ends up with elbow swelling or inflammation that result to difficulty in moving the affected joint, it is best to seek medical care as soon as possible.

Weakened grip

Elbow tendonitis
The elbow pain can also spread into the shoulder or forearm.

Elbow tendonitis is known to make it difficult for the individual to hold items using the hand of the affected arm. The individual might end up with a weak grasp which causes the individual to drop items such as cups or spoons.

Pain sensations are also present when attempting to grasp or turn items such as wrenches or doorknobs. Take note that these symptoms can be aggravated by repeated elbow or forearm use.

Weak forearm

It is important to note that elbow tendonitis can lead to the weakness of the forearm. The tendons in the elbow connect the forearm muscles to the bones inside the forearm and elbow. In case these tendons are injured or overly stretched due to constant usage, the muscles inside the forearm can become weak.

The symptom of elbow tendonitis can drastically disrupt with the capability of the individual to engage in activities that require arm strength such as athletics or work-related tasks. Remember that these sensations of weakness usually manifest in the dominant arm. It is vital to seek immediate medical care if the individual experiences abrupt weakness of the limb since this can indicate a stroke.

Once the indications of elbow tendonitis are present, it is best to schedule an appointment with a doctor so that proper assessment can be carried out. The suitable treatment can be started to manage the symptoms of this injury. If the symptoms persist or become worse, a doctor should be consulted as soon as possible.

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