How to manage a cystic pimple?

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A pimple or acne is basically an irritation of the hair follicles in the skin. The natural oils generated by the body can cause the hair follicles to become clogged up. Due to the blockage along with the bacteria that is present on the skin, it leads to the formation of a lesion or bump or even a pimple. A cystic pimple or nodule can become sore, large and leave behind scars once they heal. There are medications as well as cleaning measures that can help eliminate a cystic pimple.

Steps in managing a cystic pimple

Cystic pimple
The face should be washed regularly using a mild cleanser.
  • You can utilize an over-the-counter topical acne medication to eliminate the cystic pimple. Gels or creams of this kind typically contain salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide. These substances work by eliminating the bacteria on the skin and help dry up some of the oil. In case the individual has one cystic pimple and it is mild to moderate, an over-the-counter preparation can be highly effective.
  • Schedule an appointment with a doctor if the cystic pimple does not respond to over-the-counter medications. The potent lotions or creams that contain antibiotics or retinoid can help minimize the inflammation of the cystic pimple as well as kill the bacteria. Take note that the prescription creams can be irritating to the skin or even make the individual more sensitive to sunlight, thus you have to use the medication based on the instructions given by the doctor.
  • A doctor should be consulted regarding oral antibiotics for treating a cystic pimple. The systemic medications such as tetracycline, azithromycin and doxycycline can help clear up cystic pimple by reducing the inflammation. The doctor will also prescribe a topical medication at the same time.
  • Cystic pimples that are large and sore are treated with injections. Some find relief by using corticosteroid medications that are directly injected into the cystic pimple. They work by reducing the inflammation and promote healing when other measures failed.

A doctor should be consulted to determine if the individual is suitable for isotretinoin which is a potent drug used in treating severe cases of acne that do not respond to less aggressive treatments. The medication is taken orally for 3-4 months to help clear up the resistant cystic pimples.

Just remember that this medication should not be taken by pregnant women. The drug is known to cause miscarriage and severe birth defects.

Considerations to bear in mind

The individual should not pop up, squeeze or open up a cystic pimple. This will only spread the bacteria, thus increasing the inflammation and result to permanent scarring. If you want to learn more about preventing infection, click here.

The face should be washed regularly using a mild cleanser. Take note that abrasive cleaners can worsen the inflammation and exacerbate the acne. It is best to use a mild, fragrance-free soap with warm water and a soft towel to help control the oil and reduce future breakouts.

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