Home remedies for inflamed joints

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Inflamed joints are characterized by stiffness, pain and swelling as well as evident reddening in the knees, ankles, hips, wrists or any other joint in the body. Arthritis is a form of joint inflammation that develops once the cartilage in between the joints is worn out, thus causing the bones to brush against each other. Minor cases of inflamed joints can be managed at home and there are several measures to relieve the pain in moderate cases before a doctor can be consulted.

Adequate rest

It is vital to allow the affected body part with inflamed joints to rest during a flare-up of joint pain and inflammation. If the individual could not rest from work or other activities, modifications must be made such as using a cane or other assistive devices to reduce the pressure off the inflamed joints. In addition, stabilizing the inflamed joints using a splint or pressure bandage is also advisable to remind the individual not to utilize the joint repetitively.

Warm or cold compress

A warm or cool compress can provide relief to the inflamed joints at home. The warmth provided by a hot water bottle or heating pad can minimize the stiffness as well as dull the pain.

When a cold compress or ice pack is used, it momentarily numbs the sore area and considered as an effective remedy for muscle spasms that occur along with the inflamed joints. Just remember to apply a towel or cloth between the skin and the heat source to avoid burns. The recommended treatment lasts at 20 minutes for each application several times throughout the day.

Inflamed joints
Over-the-counter pain medications that are taken orally such as ibuprofen and acetaminophen can minimize the inflammation around the joints for several hours at a time.

Pain relief

Over-the-counter pain medications that are taken orally such as ibuprofen and acetaminophen can minimize the inflammation around the joints for several hours at a time. The topical pain-relieving creams can also be applied directly on the inflamed joints. If the individual is uncertain regarding the product to use, a doctor should be consulted.

Anti-inflammation diet

When it comes to chronic inflamed joints, modifications to the diet can help improve the condition. It is important to note that vitamin B6 is connected to reduced level of inflammation and oxidative stress all over the body.

The individual should also eat foods that are packed with this nutrient including beef and certain types of fish including tuna, halibut, potatoes, bananas, avocado, cabbage, cauliflower, grapes and red bell peppers.

Omega 3 fatty acids also help control and prevent inflammation. The flaxseed products, walnuts, salmon, shrimp, tofu and scallops are dietary sources of omega 3 fatty acids. Remember that both B6 and omega 3 fatty acids are also available as dietary supplements.

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