Overview on a head injury

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A head injury can result to loss of brain function even without evident damage to the head. The force placed on the head can cause the brain to be directly damaged or shaken in which it is bounced against the interior wall of the skull.

Trauma can possibly result to bleeding in the regions that surround the brain, bruising or even impair the nerve networks inside the brain.

What are the possible causes?

Adults are more susceptible to head injuries due to the following:

  • Falls
  • Vehicular accidents
    Head injury
    Remember that a head injury can trigger various indications that range from no symptoms to coma.
  • Direct blow by an object
  • Assault

The usual cause of head injury among children are falls and sustaining a direct blow to the head.

What are the indications?

Remember that a head injury can trigger various indications that range from no symptoms to coma. It is important to note that if the individual loses consciousness even for a brief period, it is not normal. Extended episodes of confusion, seizures or vomiting are indications that necessitate immediate medical attention.

There are scenarios in which concussion-type symptoms can be missed. The individual might suffer from the following:

  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Lethargy
  • Increased mood swings
  • Aggressiveness
  • Altered sleeping habits

Medical care is usually required even after an injury has occurred.

When to consult a doctor

  • Call for emergency assistance if an individual is suspected with a significant head injury. This also includes those who loses consciousness who do not immediately awaken and return to normal and those who have signs of weakness or numbness on one side of the body, vision loss or difficulty speaking.
  • If an individual is involved in a vehicular accident or fallen from a height, it is vital to keep him/her still with the neck protected due to the possibility of a spinal cord injury.
  • If symptoms include confusion, loss of short-term memory or repeated episodes of vomiting.
  • An individual with a head injury who is impaired due to drugs or alcohol
  • Those who are using blood-thinning medications given by prescription particularly warfarin as well as heparin.

More Information / Disclaimer

The information posted on this page on a head injury is for learning purposes only. Learn to recognize and manage head injuries by taking a standard first aid course with one of our training providers.

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If you need medical advice or help with a diagnosis contact a medical professional