First aid management for blisters

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A blister is not only a painful annoyance since it can lead to infections if left untreated. Blisters are typically formed due to friction especially on the heel of the foot or palms of the hand. On the other hand, they can also form in any part of the body that comes in contact with friction. Luckily, even though blisters can cause pain, you can easily treat them with simple first aid measures at home.

A blister is not only a painful annoyance since it can lead to infections if left untreated.

Steps when treating a blister

  1. By observing preventive measures, it is the best way to manage blisters as well as preventing them from developing. If the individual uses his/her hands during work or any activity regularly, gloves must be used to ensure that blisters will not develop due to friction. For the feet, wear socks and shoes that properly fit. In case the shoes are sliding up and down while walking, you have to apply a bandage on the back of the heel for extra protection and padding against the friction.
  2. In case a blister has developed, always keep the blister clean in order to prevent infection from developing. You have to utilize a soft washcloth with an antibacterial soap and water to gently wash the blister as well as the surrounding area. Always remember that blisters can be sensitive and also painful, but it is vital to keep the area clean. If infection develops, it can cause more pain than keeping the blister clean.
  3. With an antibacterial ointment, it will ensure that the area is free from bacteria. All you have to do is to get a small amount on the tip of your finger or a cotton swab and gently apply on the blister and the surrounding area. Once the ointment is applied, it will work into the skin to provide protection as well as the surface of the blister.
  4. Instruct the individual to avoid any activity. Depending on how the blister was sustained, it is vital to avoid any activity until the blister is given enough time to heal properly. Even though it is not always possible, it is best to prevent the blister from worsening or even tearing.
  5. In case infection develops even all your efforts in keeping it clean or the condition does not improve, you might be required to pop the blister open. Initially, you have to soak a needle or pin in alcohol for an hour to sterilize it properly. Once the area around the blister is cleaned, use the needle or pin to poke a horizontal hole into the base of the blister. With your finger, press gently so that the liquid inside will squeeze out and then clean the area again and apply an antibacterial ointment.

Important tips to remember when handling blisters

Aside from the antibacterial ointment, you can also apply fresh aloe vera on the blister. Always remember that popping the blister must be the last resort since it can expose the interior part of the blister to bacteria. Pop the blister if pus is developing inside.

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