First aid for chemical burns from chlorine

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Throughout the years, chlorine is recognized as a caustic chemical that is utilized in regulating the pH level in water systems and swimming pools all over the globe. Even though the chemical is safe if properly used, there are instances in which accidents can occur which poses as a hazard to your health especially burns. A chemical burn from chlorine that was incurred in the pool must be given appropriate first aid right away in order to prevent the condition of the skin from aggravating due to prolonged exposure to the chemical. Once the skin is burned, the treatment depends on the severity.

chemical burn
A chemical burn from chlorine that was incurred in the pool must be given appropriate first aid right away.

Determine the extent of injury

You have to check the area burned by utilizing the percentage of skin area that is affected. Wide and large burns require immediate medical care. In case the burn is within the mouth, noses or eyes, seek emergency assistance immediately. Once the skin layers are broken and the tissues are visible, take the individual to the nearest emergency room. If the individual is in shock, medical care is required.

First aid for the burned area

Run cool water over the affected skin in order to wash away leftover chlorine and to sooth the area while removing the clothing to reveal the burn and the surrounding surface area of the skin. Make sure that you have thoroughly rinsed the affected area with cool to warm water for 15-20 minutes.

For first-degree burns, you have to apply an Aloe Vera gel and cover the affected area with gauze. You can provide over-the-counter pain medications such as ibuprofen for pain relief. If the first-degree burn covers a large area, it must be covered to prevent infection from developing in the remaining skin layers beneath the burned area. If the skin is broken, do not apply Aloe Vera gel. For a second-degree burn, it must be covered with a clean cotton sheet and it must stay dry. This will help soothe the pain and draw out the heat from the burn.

Reassess the chemical burn

If the affected skin appears like sunburn, it is a first-degree burn from chlorine. Once there are blisters or the upper layer has been removed, it is a second-degree burn. Take note that any chemical burn that is worse than blistered skin is considered as a third-degree burn. This type of burn requires immediate medical care in order to save the epidermis.

Once the appropriate first aid measures are provided, continue to observe the condition of the chemical burn until the skin is starting to heal on its own. Always remember that the affected area should scab and dry until the burn layers have peeled. Make sure that the bandages are changed regularly to ensure that the skin layers will heal with scarring and the overall condition of the individual returns to normal.

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