Causes of chronic sinus drainage

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Chronic sinus drainage is characterized by the presence of postnasal drip or runny nose. When it comes to postnasal drip, it is described as a condition in which thin nasal secretions drain in the back of the throat, resulting to a sore throat, cough and a distressed stomach.

Always bear in mind that chronic sinus drainage is the consequence of chronic sinusitis, hay fever or physical complications. Most cases of chronic sinus drainage can be managed with medications or even surgery in severe cases.

Hay fever

Hay fever or allergic rhinitis is a usual condition due to seasonal indoor or outdoor allergens. Individuals who are suffering from hay fever can end up with similar symptoms of the common cold but it is the result of an allergic reaction, not a viral infection. One of the typical symptoms of hay fever is sinus drainage.

Sinus drainage
An individual suffering from chronic sinusitis can experience excessive sneezing episodes, postnasal drip and runny nose.

An individual can experience hay fever all year-round that results to persistent nasal discharge. Sinus drainage due to hay fever is usually thin and clear. If the mucus becomes dense and yellowish green in color, it is best to seek medical care since it might be a sinus infection. Take note that hay fever can be managed with over-the-counter antihistamines or nasal sprays that was prescribed by the doctor.

Chronic sinusitis

Chronic sinusitis is a sinus infection that lasts for more than 8 weeks. A usual symptom of a chronic sinus infection is nasal congestion and excess mucus. An individual suffering from chronic sinusitis can experience excessive sneezing episodes, postnasal drip and runny nose.

This condition is managed with various methods depending on the cause. If it is due to a bacterial infection, antibiotics are the initial line of treatment. If it is the result of physical complications, surgery might be the solution. Many individuals utilize an over-the-counter decongestant to minimize the swelling along with an anti-inflammatory pain medication such as ibuprofen. A doctor should be consulted before taking any medications.

Physical complications

The presence of nasal polyps has been a usual reason for the development of chronic postnasal drip. Nasal polyps are miniature-sized growths that can grow all over the sinus cavity wall, thus limiting the normal nasal discharge.

This blockage results to mucus draining in the rear of the throat. Minor cases of nasal polyps can be managed with medications while severe cases would require surgery. Another common physical complication is an uneven nasal wall called a deviated septum. A deviated septum is the result of an abnormal formation during physical development or from a facial injury.

Once an individual is suspected with chronic sinus drainage, it is best to schedule an appointment with a doctor. This will ensure that proper assessment is carried out so that a diagnosis can be given. Prompt treatment is vital to help deal with the sinus drainage.

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