Can sweets trigger diarrhea?

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It cannot be denied that diarrhea can cause discomfort and it is important to note that sweets are one of the possible causes. Once the individual has started treatment or the doctor has ruled out any underlying health issues, eating less sweets especially those that are linked with an upset bowel can reduce the symptoms.

Whether the individual experiences diarrhea or not, it is recommended to reduce added sugars such as table sugar and high-fructose corn syrup to 100 calories in a day for women while 150 calories per day for men for overall health. In case the symptoms are severe or persists for some time, a doctor must be consulted. If you want to learn measures to help ease the symptoms, all you have to do is to register for first aid training today.

Remember that diarrhea is a usual symptom of lactose intolerance which is the inability to properly digest lactose.

What is dumping syndrome?

Dumping syndrome occurs when foods, particularly sweets moves too rapidly through the first part of the small intestines into the upper part of the digestive tract. This can occur within 30 minutes after eating or 2-3 hours later. Procedures that disrupt how the stomach stores and releases food as well as cancer are known to increase the risk for diarrhea linked to dumping syndrome. The individual can minimize the effects by eating small, frequent meals as well as avoiding sources of simple sugar such as candies, soft drinks and pancake syrup.

Lactose intolerance

Remember that diarrhea is a usual symptom of lactose intolerance which is the inability to properly digest lactose. Those who are not lactose intolerant can also end up with an aggravated diarrhea if dairy products are consumed. Consuming unpasteurized cow’s milk can also instigate flare-ups.

The best way to avoid lactose-related diarrhea or prevent it from worsening is to opt for non-dairy substitutes such as all-fruit frozen bars and unsweetened rice or soy milk.

Sugar alcohols

The sugar alcohols will add sweetness and fewer calories than sugar to various sugar-free and low-carbohydrate foods, gums, beverages, medications and cough drops. Most sugar alcohols are too large in size for the small intestines to handle properly, which leads to a laxative effect. Even though each individual is affected in a different way, reducing or avoid sugar alcohols can help prevent or minimize diarrhea. When buying food, watch out for xylitol, sorbitol, isomalt, maltitol and lactitol. Remember that the laxative effects are likely to occur among children.

Excess amount of fructose

Fructose is the sugar that is naturally present in fruits. As an additive, it provides sweet flavor to various processed drinks and foods. It is also present in honey, high-fructose corn syrup and agave. If an individual is sensitive to fructose due to irritable bowel syndrome, it can lead to diarrhea. Take note that the individual must limit or avoid products that are made out of high-fructose corn syrup such as barbeque sauces, sweet cereals and soft drinks.

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