Can eating fish cause puffy eyes?

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Puffy eyes that develop after eating fish are an issue that must be assessed by a doctor. Fish is the usual cause of food allergies among many individuals that can result to anaphylaxis.

Fish allergies are considered lifelong and there is no cure even today, but the condition can be managed by eliminating and avoidance of all seafood products. The puffy eyes might be an indication of anaphylaxis especially in cases where other symptoms develop.

Close look on puffy eyes

Puffy eyes usually develop during a severe allergic reaction and can be accompanied by other symptoms such as swelling of the face such as the lips, tongue and throat. Puffy eyes are triggered by inflammation in the soft tissues surrounding the eye.

Puffy eyes
Puffy eyes usually develop during a severe allergic reaction and can be accompanied by other symptoms such as swelling of the face such as the lips, tongue and throat.

After the individual eats fish, the body wrongly identifies the fish proteins as a threat and starts to protect the body. During an allergic reaction, the immune system produces various chemicals that trigger the release of chemicals which results to the symptoms. Once histamine is released in the eye tissues, it can cause puffy eyes and irritation.

Am I allergic to fish?

Fish is one of the common food allergens and an individual might be sensitive to one or several types of fish. When it comes to fish allergy, it can be categorized into 2 groups – finned fish and shellfish.

Shellfish include lobster, shrimp and crab as well as those that live in a shell. The examples of finned fish include tilapia, salmon and perch. Remember that not all the symptoms of fish allergy are severe. Some individuals who have fish allergy can experience minimal itchiness and puffy eyes without any further issues.

How to manage puffy eyes

In case the puffy eyes are relatively minor and not accompanied by other symptoms, an antihistamine can help reduce the symptoms. It is recommended to utilize a first-generation antihistamine such as diphenhydramine to manage the reactions from food allergies.

The first-generation antihistamines are available in doses that are taken every 4-6 hours and have side effects such as drowsiness. As for the second-generation antihistamines such as loratidine, they are ideally used for seasonal allergy prevention. These medications are available in 24-hour doses and do not trigger drowsiness.

What happens during a severe reaction?

A severe allergic reaction or anaphylactic reaction causes the following symptoms:

  • Shortness of breath
  • Facial swelling
  • Hives
  • Metallic taste in the mouth
  • Pale skin
  • Dizziness
  • Lightheadedness
  • Drop in the blood pressure
  • Increased heart rate that is faint

Always bear in mind that this type of reaction requires immediate medical attention. It is vital to call for emergency assistance or bring the individual to the nearest hospital for proper treatment.

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