Can blueberries cause diarrhea?

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Blueberries are considered as sweet, tangy and healthy fruit that are often added to cereals, yogurt and eaten directly. There are some individuals who experience adverse reactions such as diarrhea after eating blueberries. Diarrhea that develops after consuming blueberries can be due to exposure to bacteria or an allergic reaction. A doctor must be consulted if the individual develops severe diarrhea after consuming blueberries or if he/she develops symptoms once a blueberry treat has been eaten.

Food allergy

If an individual has blueberry allergy, he/she is likely to end up with diarrhea every time blueberries are eaten. The immune system overly reacts to the proteins in blueberry which leads to the production of antibodies to fight off the proteins which are considered as a threat but these are actually harmless. As a reaction, the body generates various chemicals for protection which leads to the inflammation of the soft tissues such as those present in the digestive tract. Remember that diarrhea can be accompanied by asthma, nasal congestion, vomiting and skin rashes. By enrolling in a course on first aid, you will learn the appropriate steps to take during an allergic reaction.

Remember that diarrhea can be accompanied by asthma, nasal congestion, vomiting and skin rashes.

Salicylate sensitivity

Sensitivity to salicylate can cause stomach ache and diarrhea after eating blueberries. The salicylate is the chemical that is naturally present in various fruits and vegetables including blueberries which protects the plant during the growth process and quite similar in chemical composition to aspirin. An individual who is sensitive to aspirin is likely to react to salicylate present in blueberries. Take note that this condition is different from a food allergy since it is not instigated by the immune system but due to generalized intolerance to the chemical.

Food poisoning

Produce is the usual source of food poisoning. Blueberries can be infected at any point during the processing. The organisms can contaminate the fruit during the harvesting and packaging.

Contaminants might also be present in the house. An effective way to prevent food poisoning is to wash the blueberries thoroughly prior to ingestion. Food poisoning can also cause diarrhea along with stomach cramping, vomiting, low grade fever and abdominal pain. Most of the symptoms from food poisoning are only short-term and do not cause any long-term complications in most individuals but if the individual is severely dehydrated or weak, it requires medical care. Remember that young children and the elderly face a higher risk for dehydration.

Considerations to bear in mind

Always remember that diarrhea that persists for more than 3 days or blood-streaked might indicate a serious health issue. When it comes to chronic diarrhea due to eating certain foods, it might be linked to irritable bowel syndrome. A doctor must be consulted for proper assessment and diagnosis as well as start the appropriate treatment for the recovery of the individual.

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